Impeach Traitors Posthumously


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It is too bad that traitors cannot be impeached for treason posthumously. You have to go back to the early 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century to get the traitors that set the democracy movement conspiracy in motion. I will settle for Woodrow Wilson.

Happily, a boatload of traitors are still alive. I would like to hang a bunch of them before they die of old age.

I knew that Marco Rubio was a U.N.-loving asshole when he was elected to the Senate. He has not changed. In fact, he is getting worse. You can bet your last buck that no one in the Senate, the House of Representatives, or a federal bureaucrat will nominate anyone fighting for limited government. Tying the democracy movement to this country’s foreign policy is an impeachable offense as far as I am concerned:

US Senator Marco Rubio [REPUBLICAN] and Representative James McGovern [DEMOCRAT] have nominated Hong Kong pro-democracy movement for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.

Inspired the world my ass. Big government parasites are the only ones inspired by democracy:

The co-chair and chair of Congressional-Executive Commission on China sent the Nobel Peace Prize Committee a nomination letter for the city’s “impressively organized and coherent, yet notably leaderless and flexible” protest movement. The prize, they said, shall honour “millions of people in Hong Kong whose bravery and determination have inspired the world.”


Other commissioners, including representatives Chris Smith, [REPUBLICAN] Thomas Suozzi, [DEMOCRAT] and Tom Malinowski [DEMOCRAT], and Senators Jeffrey Merkley [DEMOCRAT], Steve Daines,[REPUBLICAN] and Todd Young [REPUBLICAN] , also signed the nomination.

Notice in the letter:

Here comes the unholy marriage between democracy and democratic ideals:

In the letter, they said Hongkongers “demonstrated civic courage, extraordinary leadership, and an unwavering commitment to a free and democratic Hong Kong

They mean the U.N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights —— Rights bought and paid for with tax dollars.

that upholds the rule of law and fundamental human rights and freedom” and like Liu Xiaobo,

Not one Hong Kong demonstrator, nor one swamp creature, will sacrifice a biscuit to speak up for the Rights in the original Bill of Rights because not one of those Rights requires tax dollars.

made sacrifices to speak up for human rights.

Liu Xiaobo was sentenced 11 years of imprisonment on charges of “inciting subversion of state power” and passed away in custody in 2017. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 to honour his “long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China” in absentia and the prize was presented to an empty chair at the ceremony. His widow Liu Xia was under house arrest for years since his death.

The letter said the US and UK “suspended the sale of police and crowd control equipment to Hong Kong” and the government has “used excessive and unnecessary” to crack down peaceful protests.

Last year, Norwegian lawmaker Guri Melby also nominated Hongkongers for the prize as “further encouragement to the movement”.

Hong Kong pro-democracy movement nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
By WND News Services
Published February 6, 2020 at 1:36pm

See this thread for the whole truth about the Nobel Peace Prize:

Since the end of WWI people with a connection to the League of Nations and its successor, the U.N., have probably won more Nobel Peace Prizes than the New York Yankees won pennants. Maybe that is the reason the world is far from peaceful!

There is no doubt that global government advocates have always had the inside track to Nobel Peace Prizes going all the way back to the early nineteen-hundreds; Socialism’s early years in the U.S. as well as awarding the first Nobel Peace Prize in 1901. I doubt very much if anyone who believed in a world populated by sovereign nations ever had a chance of winning a Nobel Peace Prize.

Finally, Rubio did not cite the United Nations in his defense of democracy. Indeed, Rubio is always clever enough not to cite the United Nations whenever he makes noise like a loyal American:

Marco Rubio’s speech to the Council on Foreign Relations identified his first loyalty:

My foreign policy consists of three pillars.


. . . my second pillar, which is the protection of the American economy in a globalized world. When America was founded, it took more than 10 weeks to travel to Europe. In the 19th century, the steam engine cut that down to around 12 days. In the 20th century, the airplane cut it to around six hours. And now in the 21st century, you can access global markets in a single second with the tap of your Smart Phone.

Marco Rubio's Foreign Policy Vision
Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Rubio as VP: the Bilderberg conspiracy
By: Kenneth P. Vogel
May 19, 2012 04:33 PM EDT
I was thinking about this, and technically you can impeach someone who is dead. You can impeach someone who is not in office, and thereby attempt to keep them from ever again being in office. And so in theory, you can impeach a dead person, just in case they come back to life, and try to run for office.

But you may argue that is just silliness. Wouldn't the Supreme Court say that is silliness? We have recently been reminded that the Supreme Court has no oversight in impeachment. As long as you get 50+% of the House to vote for impeachment, you can do it to anyone you want.