Impeaching Trump on getting a Blow Job? Would this ...


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... have been the better route for Democrats?

I'm just thinking, you know, out loud here. Storming the Capitol Building ... doesn't really seem to be working on Republicans.
But ... a Blow Job!

Shouldn't Trump be brought up on charges of fucking these Porn Stars and then lying about Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, and getting spanked with a Newspaper.
Knowing Trump (a lying sack of shit), he would certainly stray from the Truth upon a focused Investigation of his Sex Life. (Republicans seem to think this is important)
... have been the better route for Democrats?

I'm just thinking, you know, out loud here. Storming the Capitol Building ... doesn't really seem to be working on Republicans.
But ... a Blow Job!

Shouldn't Trump be brought up on charges of fucking these Porn Stars and then lying about Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, and getting spanked with a Newspaper.
Knowing Trump (a lying sack of shit), he would certainly stray from the Truth upon a focused Investigation of his Sex Life. (Republicans seem to think this is important)

All about sex.
Yes. If we want to Impeach Trump, this looks like the way to go.
(I'm just throwing that out there as an alternative strategy)

LOL Hit em where it hurts. Funny thought but while republicans cloak themselves in religious garb, they didn't even care about the families and children caged at our border. Religion is for Sundays the rest of time anything goes. YouTube covers hypocrisy well.

I hope that all evidence is fairly weighed and considered by all senators in Trump's trial. I personally it would be best to bar Trump from ever holding office again, which would only require a simple majority vote, and then let civil courts deal with his various other scandals. But I'm also concerned that, if he is guilty of the articles against him, and if he gets off free, it will set a dangerous precedent for future Trump-wannabes who seek the presidency, like Ted Cruz or some other right-wing extremist.