Imported War on Women



The Imported War on Women:​

How Mass Migration Turned Western Cities into Hunting Grounds (Video)​

Women in Germany are no longer safe. A Berlin woman recently recorded a video describing her fear of waiting alone at a bus stop at night—a fear that has become a daily reality for countless women across the West. The reason? Mass migration has turned once-safe cities into hunting grounds, where women are stalked, harassed, and assaulted with impunity.
Her plea was simple: bus drivers must stick to their schedules so that women are not left stranded in the dark, vulnerable to the predatory threats that have infiltrated their communities. But this is not just about a missed bus. This is about survival.
What she describes is not an isolated issue. It is a symptom of a much larger, orchestrated agenda—one where mass migration has been purposefully deployed as a weapon to destabilize nations, dismantle cultural cohesion, and erode public safety.

This is not just a German problem; it is a Western crisis. Countries like Sweden, France, and the UK have experienced the same patterns.
Great thread, it makes a very valid point that we all know, but it somehow eludes the left.

Again, COMMON SENSE seems to be the missing link concerning libtard evolution. If they could ever find it, imagine how good things could be without the ridiculous fights we have to go through to get anything Pro-America done.

Let a bunch of people in your house that you don't know, and your family is at risk and anything not nailed down will go missing. Eventually you won't recognize the beautiful house you once had. COMMON SENSE.

Let a bunch of self-serving politicians make deals buried in thousands of pages of 'law' and they'll sell us out for getting rich, and they all seem to become multi-millionaire while in office. We the people get screwed while they smile and tell you they care for your vote. COMMON SENSE.

The same politicians busy with their schemes let our security go down the drain. China knows how pathetic the average libtard and some Rhino's are and exploits them to keep their greedy mouths shut. We lose an extremely important choke point at the Panama Canal. COMMON SENSE.

I could go on and on and on, and it's the same missing element. COMMON SENSE.
The PRIMARY function of a government is protection for the people who created and support the government.
The last 4 years have been treasonous. They have allowed an unknown number of millions of illegal entries into
OUR country. They have failed in their PRIMARY function.
Some believe it was done on purpose.
Really, we know it was and people in the Federal government need to be tried for treason among other charges.