In 2 weeks


I'll be moving back to Florida. I still have my home down there and I just cant reacclimate to the North... both environmentally and politically .. ;)

I miss Florida.. for all its warts and scars and seasonal wind ..I miss the great sunshine state. Its just too damn depressed here in West NY. Nothings being built.. as compared to S Florida...where on every corner there is a new building project .... hustle and bustle ..people out an about ... sure they may be abusing their plastic.. but hell at least they are having a good time doin it.

Couple of things driving me back though.. Havent been able to sell my house.. couple of reasons for this ... insurance rates.., mortgage brokers going bankrupt and in my zip code alone there are 843 foreclosures! So..Im heading back to weather the storm... do a few more improvements and wait a year or so for the cycle to will because it always does. Unless of course Rev Al is right and Florida ends up under water ...
Good luck on the move, klaatu!

For some reason, people who live in mild climates, seems to be happier and friendlier too. Generally speaking ;)
Good luck on the move, klaatu!

For some reason, people who live in mild climates, seems to be happier and friendlier too. Generally speaking ;)

Thanks Cypress ... and yes I agree (we seem to agree too much lately :clink: ) people in warmer climates are generally happier.
good luck on the move Klaatu, kiss a fire ant for me :D

I actually miss the fire ants!(not really) But my little lizard friends... I dig lizards... I have 'em running all around my patio and living in my planters... really cool little creatures... them and the tree frogs ...
I love florida, but it really is just too damned hot for this northerner during the summer time.

any good golf courses close by?
I actually miss the fire ants!(not really) But my little lizard friends... I dig lizards... I have 'em running all around my patio and living in my planters... really cool little creatures... them and the tree frogs ...

and cockroaches and moths the size of your fist.

And rivers and lakes infested with poisonous snakes and alligators. No thanks! ;)
Too humid in most of Florida for me. I do like milder climates. I like for Winter to be like Winter is supposed to be, much like it was this year. A few snows but temps rarely in the teens, mostly in the thirties........and short lived. Then Spring, my 2nd favorite season, my favorite being Fall. When all this climate changing is over with and we have one long Summer, I'll hate it.:)