In a biblical sense…
Is Rump’s third marriage, the one to the ”First Lady” valid? Can a fundamental consider them legally married, or are they committing adultery in the White House?
In a biblical sense…
Is Rump’s third marriage, the one to the ”First Lady” valid? Can a fundamental consider them legally married, or are they committing adultery in the White House?
[h=2]Luke 16:18[/h]“Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery.”
Stone him...Trump is actively committing adultery in the White House. The same people who support him hate homosexuals. Adultery is against the 10 Commandments.
Hypocrisy abounds.
Funny... They let an active adulterer live in the White House while actively campaigning to discriminate against homosexuals.
Why did you let Bill Clinton in the White House Jarod?
He was not an active adulterer, he did it once and apologized. Rump is living with his mistress, in a biblical sense. They want to discriminate against homosexuals because of the Bible.... but ignore what Rump is doing even if what he is doing is against the 10 Commandments.
He was not an active adulterer, he did it once and apologized. Rump is living with his mistress, in a biblical sense. They want to discriminate against homosexuals because of the Bible.... but ignore what Rump is doing even if what he is doing is against the 10 Commandments.
Then there's those other easily-forgotten-by-the-Reichtard-evangelists commandments: Coveting your neighbor's wife and/or possessions, bearing false witness (i.e. lying your large orange ass off constantly), forgetting to keep the Sabbath holy, worshiping false idols (money, gold calves, etc.), stealing (i.e. not paying his debts).
He was not an active adulterer, he did it once and apologized. Rump is living with his mistress, in a biblical sense. They want to discriminate against homosexuals because of the Bible.... but ignore what Rump is doing even if what he is doing is against the 10 Commandments.
In a biblical sense…
Is Rump’s third marriage, the one to the ”First Lady” valid? Can a fundamental consider them legally married, or are they committing adultery in the White House?
bearing false witness (i.e. lying your large orange ass off constantly)
El Oh Elle, cheating with Lewinski wasn’t adultry? Signing the defense of marriage act was discrimstion?
FFS, do you have any principles other being against Trump?
He did it once???? That’s such a blantantly false lie. He’s been accused of rape but it’s ok because he apologized? You’re a perfect example of why the #metoo movement is a joke. It’s all about political power. You don’t care about anything else
I think that's allowed as long as it's not under oath. Anyway they don't seem to mind.