In a free society, "getting power by any means necessary" means your ideas are weak


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In a free society, "getting power by any means necessary" means your ideas are weak

In a free society, "getting power by any means necessary" means your ideas are weak

Too weak to be supported by voters.

Someone should make the point to the average Dems that getting power by any means necessary is usually an indication that your ideas aren't enough to gain power the right way.

The Left cheated and lied and manipulated and stole the 2020 election.

Well, now that they have control of the government, what are they doing with the power?

Fcuking things up.


Because they only care about control.

They don't deserve to have control of our government by virtue of their ideas and supposed brilliance, because if Leftist policies worked they'd be working now.

They only cheated because they knew it was the only way they could gain power.


And if the readers aren't aware, things in America have gone to sh-- since Biden took office.

Brilliant GOP ideas:

- Challenge a free and fair election
- Kill school kids
- Charge 8 billion trillion and then refuse to pay the bill
- Force a woman who has been raped to carry to term
- Prolong the pandemic

Great ideas all
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GOP Platform:

We love Donald Trump.

That's it. STFU loser.

That is a damning post.

Damning of yourself.

It shows what a shallow thinker you are.

You have no clue why Trump is so popular despite your bashing.

Here it is 9 months since he was in office and you are STILL obsessed with him and this even with all the supposedly genuine evidence that Biden won, fair and square.

If you were secure in that belief, you would have moved on.

You haven't.

And the reason why you haven't is because you know he won. Biden and Co. stole the election and that Trump is clearly the superior leader.

But you haven't a clue as to why.

And that fact damns you, too.

REAL Americans, and I mean ACTUAL Americans know that Trump made America his client like he makes his real estate tenants his clients.

Making them happy is his #1 obsession.

And if he make his tenants happy, he would be happy.

You don't understand that because you are not American.

Actual Americans know he was doing everything he could to maker America great again.

Pretend Americans like you don't care enough to do any research into why we love him and what he did for us.

A real American would already know or would at least look it up.

You are a faker.

Don't bother denying it.

You will only reveal more evidence of your fakery.
Brilliant GOP ideas:

- Challenge a free and fair election
- Kill school kids
- Charge 8 billion trillion and then refuse to pay the bill
- Force a woman who has been raped to carry to term
- Prolong the pandemic

Great ideas all

Worry about the sh-- hole you come from and leave America to be governed by real Americans who love America.

Faker go home!