In Bidenspeak


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recession is a synonym for depression.

The Great Depression was the first crisis manipulated by Socialists in order to advance Socialism. The Great Depression became the Socialist/Communist template for every economic crisis.

“Never waste a good crisis.” Hillary Clinton

“You never want a good crisis to go to waste.” Rahm Emanuel

If you do not have a crisis create one. Democrats lack the elements that created the Great Depression; so they rooted around in climate change garbage until they dug up their current policy:

The 2020 Democratic presidential field is in near unanimous agreement that fracking has to be banned or at least regulated to death over time. It plays well to the party’s base, especially its green fringe. It’s also an endorsement of recession.

Joe Biden was never right about anything in his entire life. Obviously, he wants to keep his record intact:

Joe Biden, currently atop the Democratic primary polls, recently said he would “love to” ban fracking “right now,” and would also “love to make sure we can’t use any oil or gas, period,” reports Common Dreams, a website that caters to leftist and socialist devotees.

Triggering A Recession Tops The Dems’ Presidential Agendas
By I & I Editorial Board
January 3, 2020

I put together some observations about The Great Depression that would send Biden into a deep depression.

The year 1913 was the worst year in this country’s history. The year 1938 was the worst year of The Great Depression —— and that was after FDR had been in office six years. It was American industry gearing up to supply European combatants who began fighting in 1936, and then Pearl Harbor in 1941, that put this country on the road out of The Great Depression.

As usual, Socialists rewrote history by taking credit for the wealth others created —— rewriting economic history to define The Great Depression. The truth is that FDR would have defeated Jesus Christ in 1932. Were it not for the war that was already being fought in Europe and China FDR would never would have been elected to a third term in 1940. It was WW II that ended The Great Depression. The American Left always denies that fact. The one thing that is known for sure is that Socialism was failing until WW II came along and gave social engineers a breathing spell.

NOTE: Socialists falsely blamed Herbert Hoover (1874 – 1964) for The Great Depression in order to elect one of their own. A minimum of research will tell you that the worst thing about Herbert Hoover was his touchy-feely internationalism.

It took Socialists/Communists 91 years to convince Americans that the Wall Street Crash in ‘29 was the primary cause of The Great Depression —— and that robber barons were responsible. Democrats cannot discard that lie for any reason. That is why Democrats still engage in economic class-warfare.

In the 1920s, Wall Street stock brokers were as crooked as a pit full of snakes with arthritis. Today’s stock market crooks are just as crooked, while Hell will freeze over before Socialists tell the truth about today’s absentee owners.

From its inception in 1934 the Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) was a cloak of respectability covering up Wall Street’s shady practices. Popular myth says that Wall Street Crash caused The Great Depression. Nothing is further from the truth. Countless factors contributed to The Great Depression, the stock market crash is the least of them because only a small percentage of Americans owned stocks. I doubt if the collapse caused much of an economic ripple.

The “Wall Street Crash” caused The Great Depression” is not true. Implementing Woodrow Wilson’s policy’s after WWI ended contributed more to create The Great Depression than did Wall Street’s impulsion. The entire Wall Street hustle became an insurance policy for wealthy absentee owners whose premiums are paid with income tax dollars.

The Great Depression was the first crisis manipulated by Socialists in order to advance Socialism. The Great Depression became the Socialist/Communist template for every economic crisis.

Should Wall Street tank again à la The Great Depression thanks to Senile Joe, the government will not solve the problem by willingly giving Americans more freedom of choice in their personal lives, nor will the government let private sector Americans out from under government control. Socialists/Communists running the government today will move to take more freedoms away from private sector Americans just as Democrats did during The Great Depression.

When the Socialists first got their foot in the political door back during The Great Depression they immediately began eroding the individual’s Right to be let alone. That Right is the most important Right of all. The Right to make choices in our personal lives springs from the Right to be let alone. The government may prohibit, but the government should never entitle under the guise of prohibition. Entitling the Parasite Class is why Democrats have been attacking our Right to be let alone from the day they first pulled up a chair to the public trough. Even one of FDR’s blind pigs found a truffle:

The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedoms. William O. Douglas

WWII made American Socialists look better than they actually were. Had Hitler not double-crossed Stalin every American Socialist/Communist would have been conscientious objectors in WWII. No Communist teacher will teach students that bit of history, nor will any public trough professor admit that FDR Socialists never solved any of the problems that led to The Great Depression. When FDR said “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” he meant that lost liberty is nothing to fear.

Should another Great Depression be in the cards, those living on the public purse will be the only ones with a secure income. Shrinking tax revenues caused by huge private sector unemployment will not be enough to force elected officials to cut back on the welfare state programs.

Parenthetically, President Trump’s low unemployment numbers may have stumbled onto a powerful parasite insecticide. My contention has always been that low levels of private sector unemployment is the time to dramatically reduce the number of parasites feeding at the public trough.

Contemporary Socialists have a big problem with The Great Depression template. Their commitment to implementing worldwide Socialism/Communism is now part of their political agenda; making it impossible for them to succeed at home. Hopefully, a bunch of knowledgeable conservatives are examining Socialism’s problem looking for a way to defeat Socialism once and for all.

The Communist conspiracy acquired the most influence in governmental during The Great Depression. For all of their gains under FDR, the Socialists had a domestic problem. Far too many Americans still had private sector jobs, and enough understanding of individual liberties, to avoid being forced into accepting totalitarian government. Socialism’s priesthood will not make that mistake a second time. The government taking control of major industries is only the tip of the iceberg.

Independence from government is the enemy of the collectivist mindset. Democracy’s shock troops have been attacking every individual harboring one iota of independence from government control. Democrats are in the process of setting runaway inflation in motion. The plan is to destroy the savings of every private sector working American. Research retail prices across the board if you have any doubts.

Obviously, Wall Street hustlers cannot allow retail prices to come down. When retail prices come down the value of stocks also come down. Worse still, sales commissions disappear when nobody is buying. Avoiding another Black Tuesday is the scare tactic Socialists put out to prop up Wall Street.

Once inflation destroys the purchasing power of those Americans who have some savings, massive property tax increases on the local level will follow. After everything that is necessary in order to remain free from government is subdued, Democrats are confident that the battered remnants of a once-free people will beg the Socialist priesthood to rescue them; hence, total Communism can be ushered in.

The Democrats are also hellbent on destroying the mechanics of independence from government. That means destroying those working Americans who are financially solvent. I am not talking about the very wealthy. I am talking about tens of millions of working Americans.

NOTE: Climbing out of The Great Depression was not burdened with tens of millions of illegal aliens accompanied by a growing number of United Nations economic refugees. Collectivist ideology and moral claptrap tripled along with America’s population since The Great Depression. Democrats are still working to import tens of millions of illegal aliens at the same time they murder millions of infants —— over 42,333,000 million last year:

A heartbreaking reminder about the prevalence of abortion, statistics compiled by Worldometers indicate that there were over 42.3 million abortions world-wide in 2019.

That tragic statistic tells me that every Democrat parasite is a butcher. Infants, men, women, black, white, brown or yellow skin color matters not. The more authority the Parasite Class gets the more human beings they will slaughter.

Also, there is a lot of talk about controlling the global birth rate through government intervention. That is ridiculous since no one seems to understand why population explosions happen in one place while the opposite takes place on the other side of the world. A whole lot of theories abound, but nobody really knows for certain. In some cases it appears obvious. For example: Many Americans stopped having kids during The Great Depression. That seems understandable considering the times, except that now many Caucasian Americans are reasonably affluent, but they have not returned to creating large families. Rich, poor, or in-between, does not seem to matter once a group collectively decides to stop breeding, yet a perception of the world and where a homeland is headed is surely a part of the equation.

A similar collective decision was made in the former Soviet Union. No one can blame the Russians for significantly reducing the birth rate under Socialism/Communism, but Russians did not make a horny dash towards having more kids now that they have a shot at enjoying individual liberties. It is still too soon to tell which way the Russian people will go, but Caucasian Russians themselves are very much concerned with their diminishing population in their own country. If Russia gets its act together, and the standard of living goes up along with some other good things, will the Russian people go romantic and start breeding a bunch of little czars and czarinas? Or will Russian men and women sacrifice new-found freedoms as Americans did after things got better? Only time will tell which way Russia will go.

Parenthetically, the U.S. population was 123 million in 1930 with no welfare state and no illegal immigrants worth mentioning. The 2010 census puts the population at 310 million in a welfare state with approximately 20 million illegal aliens hidden among legal immigrants. United Nations economic refugees will add millions more in the next ten years. Analyze those facts in relation to a full-scale depression and you must conclude that Socialists/Communists deliberately create an anti-America constituency from every source they could find in order to get the same results they got in 1930s.

Individual Rights, that is property Rights and the Right to work for one’s self, does more to eliminate starvation than does all of the touchy-feely moralizing combined. America proved it. Nobody starved to death in this country during the Great Depression. In fact, many people in the rest of the world were wondering where their next meal was coming from while every American had something to eat every day thanks to capitalism, private charities, and genuine compassion for the less fortunate.

Conversely, the Soviet Union was a bountiful country, that is rich in land and resources. Instead of giving their people enough freedom to feed themselves, and others for profit, Communists deliberately starved them to death under the banner of collectivism.

The most powerful type of collective decision individual members of society can make is when millions and millions of men and women arrive at the same conclusion without receiving directions from Big Brother. Freedom in the United States led to disastrous collectivist decisions that were made during The Great Depression, and again after The Great Society turned out to be not so great.

Today’s Socialists/Communists fear that the next Great Depression will not play out the same way as the first Great Depression. The parasite class has to fear a first. The next revolution will be fought to overthrow Communists rather then put them in power. Communists, more than anyone, understand that no amount of government police power can stop a violent revolution. Compare well-armed Americans and the Russian Revolutions where the people had no guns,

The superstitious are breathing sighs of relief now that 1913 is far behind them. It matters not to numerologists that the country will continue on a downhill slide that began more than a century ago —— everything that was started in 1913 brought on The Great Depression, along with every other collectivist disaster in the past 100 years.

The next 100 years guarantees far worse than the previous 100 years. A hundred years ago Socialists were concentrating on acquiring political power. Today, they are well on their way to permanently installing their culture of death, a totalitarian government ruled by their presidents with unlimited power, a political Supreme Court, a cowardly congress, government-control of a compliant “free press,” open-borders, global government, and a parasite class that outnumbers the productive members of society.

Government economists talking about the economy in glowing terms is well underway. As insurance they phrase the message by pooh-poohing everything negative even when predictable catastrophes are inevitable à la 1913.

Embezzlers telling the public that unemployment is going down is called creative bookkeeping. It might be true! But only true for the parasite in government jobs —— millions of parasite jobs thru the ACA, and millions more getting tax dollar jobs to rebuild the infrastructure; i.e., public schools, and alternative energy scams.

The Democrat plan is to destroy the mechanics of independence from government. That means destroying those working Americans who are financially solvent. I am not talking about the very wealthy. I am talking about tens of millions of working Americans.

Today’s leading Democrats are the legitimate heirs of those New Deal social engineers who had entrenched themselves in government under FDR.

Stooges working in the government controlled media were rewarded handsomely with tax deductible advertising dollars for cooperating with the social engineers; giving the engineers time to beautify Socialism’s failures before WW II. They needed time and they bought it at the expense of my generation who were born at the wrong time in American history. Had there been more of us Socialism would have failed again.

Now that Beltway elitists are determined to engage in social engineering on a global scale ——the U.N. —— I fear that Armageddon is closer than it was in 1932.

Once foreign resistance is clearly defined for whatever reasons, an omnipotent U.N. will call out the U.S. military and order it to ram Socialism down the throats of recalcitrant strangers. President “Fill in the name of your choice” will finance U.N. omnipotence with the income tax.

There was a time when I thought the oncoming train wreck could be postponed indefinitely, or at least delayed until my generation got off the train. Looking at the Democrat Party’s wannabes for 2020 it does not look like The Generation That Never Was will catch a break in our twilight years.

Irrespective of the standard of living Democrat Party economists recommend they cannot lift anyone out of poverty because parasites do not create wealth —— they absorb wealth through Circulation of the Wealth schemes. Once all of the parasites in the world are brought to an acceptable level of gossamer tax dollar wealth —— generational poverty, more cruel, and more permanent, is inevitable.

During The Great Depression many in the public sector fell for FDR’s collectivist policies. Socialists promised that a collectivist economy would eliminate economic boom & bust cycles. That promise is as false as every other promise Democrats ever made. Boom & bust was portrayed as the villain when, in fact, boom & bust is as normal as day and night.

NOTE: A majority of Americans remained employed during the worst busts before and during The Great Depression. The same is true of contemporary “downturns.”

If Senile Joe Biden brings on the next bust it will be a thousand times worse than The Great Depression because the powerful forces promoting Circulation of the Wealth have been accumulating political power at an alarming rate thanks to the technology the government already controls. I have not figured out how Senile Joe can make his “climate change recession” works for the American people.

Recession forces were just getting started during The Great Depression. By controlling today’s institutions of influence, the courts, media, education, their agenda is unchallenged as they work 24-7 behind the scenes to establish a one government world. Secrecy is imperative because there can be no global government administered by the United Nations without Circulation of the Wealth via the income tax.

Socialists fear taking the blame for a depression more than fear all of the tragedies they manufactured with social engineering. Democrats are so entwined with Wall Street they cannot sell the same myth for the coming Mother of All Depressions they sold during and after The Great Depression.

Finally, no one despises a child molester all the more because he is also a shoplifter! Not so with Socialists. The more you know about them, the more you despise them.
You’re going to see a lot more of not only my statements being taken out of context and lied about or altered, you’re going to see whomever the Democratic nominee is, because that’s how this guy operates,” Mr. Biden said, adding that Democratic candidates would face unfair attacks from Mr. Trump “if I were to drop out of the race tomorrow” or “if I were to drop dead tomorrow.” (There was no evidence that the video was connected to the president.)
Mr. Biden’s comment came in response to an event attendee who asked him about his ability to beat Mr. Trump, and also to clarify his remarks in the video, which had been misleadingly edited to wrongly suggest that Mr. Biden was making racist remarks. In fact he was emphasizing the need to change “our culture” around violence toward women.
Joe Biden was never right about anything in his entire life.

The Democrat Party’s resident clown was never right when he was playing with a full deck. Now that he is senile he is playing with a child’s deck:


Joe Biden Confuses Iraq With Iran—Twice
Graham Piro
January 7, 2020 2:55 PM
The next 100 years guarantees far worse than the previous 100 years. A hundred years ago Socialists were concentrating on acquiring political power. Today, they are well on their way to permanently installing their culture of death, a totalitarian government ruled by their presidents with unlimited power, a political Supreme Court, a cowardly congress, government-control of a compliant “free press,” open-borders, global government, and a parasite class that outnumbers the productive members of society.

So how is she different because she got a bump in New Hampshire?

Amnesty: Amy Klobuchar Promises Welcome for World’s Migrants
by Neil Munro
12 Feb 2020

In fact, how is any Democrat different from every other Democrat since 1913?