In Good Countenance End All Pressers


Verified User

Fox News Channel anchor Neil Cavuto cut away from campaign spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany speaking at a Trump campaign press conference on Monday afternoon.

It is difficult to find exactly what it is that offended Cavuto.

McEnany said, “There is only one party in America trying to keep observers out of the count room, that party my friends is the Democrat party. You don’t take these positions because you want an honest election. You don’t oppose an audit of the vote because you want an accurate count. You don’t oppose our effort at sunlight at transparency because you have nothing to hide. You take these positions because you are a welcoming fraud and you are welcoming illegal voting.”

Cavuto said, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, I just think we have to be very clear. She’s charging the other side is welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting, unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenance continue showing you this.”

Cavotu should have gotten clearance from the mother ship if he truly believes Democrats are not “. . . rigging and cheating . . .”.

He continued, “I want to make sure that maybe they do have something back that up. That is an explosive charge to make at the other side is effectively rigging and cheating. If she does bring proof of that we will take you back.”

He added, “So far, she started saying right at the outset welcoming fraud, welcoming illegal voting, not so fast.”

Watch: FNC’s Cavuto Cuts Off Trump Presser — ‘I Can’t in Good Countenance Continue Showing This’
by Pam Key
9 Nov 2020

Let me start with a reminder:

Incidentally, Obama once said there are a lot hard working people in this country. That is true, except that none of them go into government. The sewer rat deliberately refers to private sector workers and lazy government bums as one entity. He uses the same technique with the shrinking private sector middle class and the ever-expanding government middle class living on tax dollars. The media in the education/media/entertainment complex lets him get away with it. Were he to separate them in his rhetoric the public might start asking the right question. Why do lazy bums and parasites go into government?

The entire Parasite Class is sweating bullets because they fear President Trump will take the first step in disenfranchising their access to income tax dollars.

NOTE: The Executive Branch supercedes the Legislative Branch’s authority over interpreting and administering the tax code. Once television parasites lose their tax deductible advertising all three legs of the complex will fall like rotten apples falling off a dying tree.

I originally said this:

Before then-President-elect Donald Trump’s moved into the White House his team said they could kick the press corps out of the building. Frankly, I was partial to the Old Executive Office Building when the story broke.

I am no longer partial to giving parasites new digs.

newspeak (noun)

Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public.

Trump is a glutton for punishment if he allows more press conferences in light of the way Unfair & Biased journalists are engaging in newspeak for the single purpose of legitimating China Joe Biden’s stickup.

Basically, tax dollar parasites can and will demand more press conferences should Trump stop press conferences altogether, when, in fact, there is no constitutional authority for parasites to get anything they demand. So in all good countenance President Trump should end all pressers. Put it this way: Press conferences are exactly like handing ammunition to a guy with an empty gun.

Should Trump hear my suggestion he will see that private sector Americans are in favor of removing the cloak of respectability television’s parasites rely upon.

Finally, FOX has become an unabashed Parasite Class propaganda platform. In FOX’s early years it got away with passing off itself as the voice of conservatism. That lie was discredited for all-time when the Murdoch Boys took control of FOX.

Parenthetically, Democrat parasites always had four pulpits from which they could preach the gospel. Indeed, before the government created Pay Television (CABLE) so-called Free Television was liberal. Hell, the old Socialist himself, CBS anchor Walter Cronkite (1916 – 2009) took it upon himself to hand a victory to this country’s enemy when he announced that America lost the war in Vietnam. The mot trusted voice in America said that while Americans were fighting and dying to stop the spread of Communism in SE Asia.

Presumably, in all good countenance fair & balanced Neil Cavuto would have demanded details from Cronkite proving that this country lost the war even though the U.S. military never lost a battle in Vietnam.

p.s. Lew Dobbs hosts the only FOX news show that never gives a liberal face time to spout talking points. Every other FOX news show gives Democrat ‘guests’ ample face time —— in addition to FOX liberals conducting the interviews. On top of everything else FOX’s liberal ‘contributors’ are often interviewed like they are guests.
Finally, FOX has become an unabashed Parasite Class propaganda platform. In FOX’s early years it got away with passing off itself as the voice of conservatism. That lie was discredited for all-time when the Murdoch Boys took control of FOX.

My gal Judi nails another one:
There’s no longer any possible retreat—no coming back from the brink— for Fox News, who handed Election 2020 over to the socialists one week ago tomorrow.

Fox News’ haughty and unsolicited ‘Decision Desk’ not only called Arizona for Democrat Joe Biden—while people were still voting on Election Night with only one percent of the vote counted—they followed up on Saturday by calling the Election for Joe Biden and the Vote Fraud Democrats.

Fox is guilty as charged now that the wife of heir to Fox News James Murdoch, Kathryn Murdoch just shot any alibi Fox might have tried to come up with—bullseye in the head.

Related: Patriots: Time To DEFOXICATE From Fox News

Kathryn Murdoch: “We did it!!!!”

Thanks to Frank Salvato over at the National File, the naked truth about Fox News flashes for all to see in bright neon lights.

“Just before the election, as she (Murdoch) was advocating for the Biden campaign on social media, she tweeted, “What will you tell your children or your future self about the part you played in history?” alluding to the notion of being on the wrong side of history if one was a Trump supporter. (Frank Salvato, Nov. 10, 2020)

“Kathryn eliminated all doubt that she felt herself personally invested in a Trump defeat Saturday when she tweeted, “We did it!!!!”

“Kathryn eliminated all doubt that she felt herself personally invested in a Trump defeat Saturday when she tweeted, “We did it!!!!”

Murdoch’s fellow travellers are already calling for swift punishment lists for all Trump supporters

Yes, filthy rich, Democrat activist Kathryn Murdoch, you and your cunning network did it. You both handed the Republic over to the evil of Socialism by enabling an all-out Election Cheat!

Thanks to your move, the misery of Socialism heaped on decent, law-abiding and patriotic Americans will be unprecedented.

Murdoch’s fellow travellers are already calling for swift punishment lists for all Trump supporters, of which there are millions:

Both the media-created Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and WAPO’s Jennifer Rubin are making a list.

Dems, Journalists Call For Trump Staffers to be Arrested for Crimes Against Humanity

Talking head postulations—no matter how many—from the adulated stars at Fox News—will save America from the wiles arranged for it by the hate-spewing Democrats, only President Donald Trump’s litigation all the way to the Supreme Court can.

Meanwhile, this is where patriots have been left in real time. First they were locked down and masked. Democrats want the masses left hopeless at Thanksgiving—believing they have nothing to be Thankful for—even as God is still in His Heaven. Stampeding past Thanksgiving to a Christmas, which for time immemorial celebrates the Birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ, won’t be commemorated this year. The Democrats will attempt both under the cover of Covid-19.

Covid-19 was the impetus of Michelle Obama for the destructive Mail-In Vote

Watch for the Democrats to sing Judy Garland’s ‘Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas’ because that’s what hypocrites do.

Covid-19 was the impetus of Michelle Obama for the destructive Mail-In Vote. People were warned all year that voting in person could have them contracting the virus.

Yet among the millions of Election Day in-person voters, there was no known uptick in the pandemic linked to Election Day.


For the sake of survival of morale and spirits in the coming Season of Goodwill, patriots should do the same thing Fox News host Neil Cavuto did to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany last night—cut away.

Cut Away from Fox News; shelter at home with your loved ones, putting God first with steadfast Prayer.

Wait for that coming-soon day when the words of power-crazed Katherine Murdoch can be brought back to bite her—when the masses can shout gleefully in unison: “WE DID IT!”


Truth from the Mouth of Murdoch Wife: Fox News Guilty As Charged
By Judi McLeod
November 10, 2020
Poor, poor Trump supporters.

They are so sad.

Gotta laugh at 'em!

The entire Parasite Class is sweating bullets because they fear President Trump will take the first step in disenfranchising their access to income tax dollars.

NOTE: The Executive Branch supercedes the Legislative Branch’s authority over interpreting and administering the tax code. Once television parasites lose their tax deductible advertising all three legs of the complex will fall like rotten apples falling off a dying tree.

I would love to find out how much this guy loves competition on a level playing field after he loses tax deductible advertising revenues:

With loyal viewers and longtime dominance, Fox Corp. CEO Lachlan Murdoch said on a Nov. 3 earnings call:

"We love competition. We have always thrived with competition. ... Fox News has been the number one network, including broadcast networks, ... from Labor Day through to Election Day."

4 hours ago
Scoop: Trump eyes digital media empire to take on Fox News
Mike Allen

Incidentally, FOX’s “. . . loyal viewers . . .” consist of the Parasite Class and federal, state, and local government employees.

So why only FOX?

Why not jerk tax deductible advertising dollars from them all including Madison Avenue?

Fox News is fighting their own demons right now. Some of the main anchors clearly have mixed emotions about the Emperor without any clothes, and struggling with their own conscience, reality, and reputations as legitimate journalists.

Clearly they are also struggling to keep a straight face while pushing Donald Trump's Fake News and Conspiracy theories.


The most honest spokespeople today are the comics. They can tell the truth and even in interviews show the reasoning behind their work. Fox was like Pravda for this election, now that it is over and they must face reality, the reality causes their president, the American country one, to dump on them. Honesty is a rare thing for republicans today. The video below covers the complexity well. Now Trump is using his MAGA fans to support him through a PAC. Kinda funny how he can lead them and they follow like sheep.

Last Week with John Oliver
