In her best Russian accent, Melania says this:


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"This administration chooses to keep moving forward during this pandemic, not backward," she said.

Translation: "I got myself and my family a "Geeen Card", and tons of money, so I must at least be superficially supportive of my disgusting pig of a husband. Up until now, I have avoided appearing at rallies and fundraisers with him, but needed to make a few "token" appearances. In reality, my egomaniac husbands incompetence costs untold needless Covid deaths, but he got you 3 Conservative SCOTUS justices. Surely, 200,000 plus deaths are worth that".
She's a nonentity, and I'd have to say she pretty much likes it that way

I can't even stomach to listen to her. Her broken English is pathetic. Along with Rump as a POTUS, she will go down as a horrible and ineffective FLOTUS. Both Bush's were leaps and bounds above this soft porn gold-digger.