In loving memory of our dear friend brent



Educating the Next Generation

Every male, beginning at the age of sixteen, should be REQUIRED to own an automatic rifle, and to know how to use it. It would teach the young men discipline, Nationalism, and respect towards Authority. Their militia service should continue for the defense of our Nation until their 55th birthday.

Every female, beginning at the age of thirteen, completed at age eighteen, should receive training on how to be supportive, submissive wives to their future husbands. This would effectively rid society of feminism, which is nothing but psychological terrorism. Every female should be taught their equal status with men, while recognizing there are differences in roles between the sexes.

As for the working mothers who depend on their jobs for survival, their income should be replaced with a State incentive to be homemakers. This program should require the children be home-schooled. The children would also attend the State-taught courses mentioned above.

Brent, Christian Forums [Comments (132)] [2006-Jun-10]
Submitted by ssdexecutor
In the beginning, God created stars and worlds beyond number.

In our galaxy alone there are approximately 100 billion stars; and throughout the universe there are billions upon billions of galaxies. There are, indeed, more stars in the sky than there is sand in the sea! Also, in the beginning, God created the Angels. Two-thirds of these Angelic beings resided in the heavenly realm with God, while the remaining 1/3rd inhabited pre-Adamite Earth, and the once-habitable planets of Venus, Mars, Tiamat ("Rahab"), and Nibiru as well.

It has been suggested that Rahab and Nibiru are one and the same. I respectfully disagree.

An Archangel named Lucifer, leader of this interplanetary federation, became haughty in his power and slendor, and his lust for power festered. This marks the beginning of rebellion and sin. Furthermore, it established Sol and its system of ten (presently nine) planets as the center-stage for the greatest battle of good vs. evil throughout the eons of creation history.
Don't forget about the hollow earth filled with faeries and bigfoots (sp? could it be bigfeet?)...

Educating the Next Generation

Every male, beginning at the age of sixteen, should be REQUIRED to own an automatic rifle, and to know how to use it. It would teach the young men discipline, Nationalism, and respect towards Authority. Their militia service should continue for the defense of our Nation until their 55th birthday.

Every female, beginning at the age of thirteen, completed at age eighteen, should receive training on how to be supportive, submissive wives to their future husbands. This would effectively rid society of feminism, which is nothing but psychological terrorism. Every female should be taught their equal status with men, while recognizing there are differences in roles between the sexes.

As for the working mothers who depend on their jobs for survival, their income should be replaced with a State incentive to be homemakers. This program should require the children be home-schooled. The children would also attend the State-taught courses mentioned above.

Brent, Christian Forums [Comments (132)] [2006-Jun-10]
Submitted by ssdexecutor

No wonder he fled from here.
i love this site so much.

brent has two on there. I think one is ranked top 40.

Here is an unrelated one:

"Seeing how pro-abortion Obama is, it would be hillariously ironic if a baby assassinated Obama. Chopin's Ghost, Rapture Ready [Comments (49)] [2008-Dec-28]"


Educating the Next Generation
.........Every female, beginning at the age of thirteen, completed at age eighteen, should receive training on how to be supportive, submissive wives to their future husbands. This would effectively rid society of feminism, which is nothing but psychological terrorism. Every female should be taught their equal status with men, while recognizing there are differences in roles between the sexes.

lmao , that's a good one.
lmao , that's a good one.
You are a bit late, but we can start you on your training course tomorrow. I know you are very excited to know you are equal but have a different role of cleaning things rather than doing important stuff like voting.

That will take a great weight off your shoulders, you don't have to worry about things like "free markets".

Wow, this Brent idea is magical. Women will just shuffle on into their special training courses without any fight whatsoever!
lmao , that's a good one.

The funniest part is that brent never had his hands on a pair of boobs, and with that attitude never will. He is seething with pent up sexual frustration and hates all of the girls who looked at him and laughed when he tried to show off his pee pee in first grade. Added to that his mother not making a big enough fuss over his bowel movements, and this is what you end up with.
The funniest part is that brent never had his hands on a pair of boobs, and with that attitude never will. He is seething with pent up sexual frustration and hates all of the girls who looked at him and laughed when he tried to show off his pee pee in first grade. Added to that his mother not making a big enough fuss over his bowel movements, and this is what you end up with.

He should have realized that in 1st grade, it was bound to be small, and receive scorn from the ladies. Now, it did take me several years to recover, but the next time I showed it to a girl, she put it in her mouth... Sad to see Brent couldn't apply logic to the matter.
He should have realized that in 1st grade, it was bound to be small, and receive scorn from the ladies. Now, it did take me several years to recover, but the next time I showed it to a girl, she put it in her mouth... Sad to see Brent couldn't apply logic to the matter.

Please spare us more details about your sex life.

God hates you, BTW.
You are a bit late, but we can start you on your training course tomorrow. I know you are very excited to know you are equal but have a different role of cleaning things rather than doing important stuff like voting.

That will take a great weight off your shoulders, you don't have to worry about things like "free markets".

Wow, this Brent idea is magical. Women will just shuffle on into their special training courses without any fight whatsoever!

LOL, can you imagine even trying to tell your significant other that her new role will be as your slave. I'm sure that would go over really smoothly.
LOL, can you imagine even trying to tell your significant other that her new role will be as your slave. I'm sure that would go over really smoothly.
Well, if your goal is to never have sex again and to lose half your money and gain an "ex"...

It would be smooth... so smooth...
The funniest part is that brent never had his hands on a pair of boobs, and with that attitude never will. He is seething with pent up sexual frustration and hates all of the girls who looked at him and laughed when he tried to show off his pee pee in first grade. Added to that his mother not making a big enough fuss over his bowel movements, and this is what you end up with.

As if we needed more proof that he was going to be a 40 y/o virgin.
His goal is to get beat up by the brother of every woman he ever tries to send to womanly reeducation day camp.
His goal is to get beat up by the brother of every woman he ever tries to send to womanly reeducation day camp.

How anyone would be so stupid as to take that seriously is beyond me. But its definitely a good laugh.
Nobody's buying THAT one. You're inexperience is like a smell fouling up the internet. Its detectable from all over the Earth.

LOL How's your sad game been lately? I think we should just start calling bad game "beefy." What do you think? And I have had Clinton sex - a year later, I went to the girl's wedding. She married a soldier stationed at Ft. Lewis from Alabama... I brought my semi-hippie friend's gift to the reception since he couldn't come - it turned out to be Jello, but at least the gift bag was cool.