In pure "cowardly" fashion...


Verified User
Tacomapussy starts threads but can't stand anyone calling out the bullshit. Its interesting to see a pussy call someone elese a coward when that pussy bans people from the threads they start.
Tacomapussy starts threads but can't stand anyone calling out the bullshit. Its interesting to see a pussy call someone elese a coward when that pussy bans people from the threads they start.

Those he calls pussies are the ones HE bans not the other way around.

I embarrassed that POS on day 1. He hasn't been the same since as proven by his quick run into hiding.
Yap away trumpanzees. tRump is simply a "gutless" bully. Hopefully, the debate will go on as scheduled. Hell, a non-speaking cardboard cutout of tRump would likely help his fledgling
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Tacomapussy starts threads but can't stand anyone calling out the bullshit. Its interesting to see a pussy call someone elese a coward when that pussy bans people from the threads they start.

How much foolish BS do you spew out???????????????????
Yap away trumpanzees. tRump is simply a "gutless" bully. Hopefully, the debate as scheduled. Hell, a non-speaking cardboard cutout of tRu.p would likely help his fledgling

A cardboard cutout would have made more sense than saying nothing.

He is a complete asshole...and so are the people continuing to support him.
A cardboard cutout would have made more sense than saying nothing.

He is a complete asshole...and so are the people continuing to support him.

Once again, "tRumplusters" like "Yakudamutt" comes racing to his "Saviors" defense. All the while claiming that he is not a tRump supporter. Simply hilarious.
I will say that watching these "trumptards" have a full blown "meltdown" is quite
A cardboard cutout would have made more sense than saying nothing.

He is a complete asshole...and so are the people continuing to support him.

By and large, tRump supporters are racists, bigots, abortion zealots or some combination of the three.
Tacomapussy starts threads but can't stand anyone calling out the bullshit. Its interesting to see a pussy call someone elese a coward when that pussy bans people from the threads they start.

FYI, this belongs in the War Zone forum.
A cardboard cutout would have made more sense than saying nothing.

He is a complete asshole...and so are the people continuing to support him.

Can you imagine waking up in the morning realizing that your lack of morality, conscience and self esteem have lessened you to the point that you constantly praise someone like tRump? Geez, it must really suck to be a trumpanzee.
Yap away trumpanzees. tRump is simply a "gutless" bully. Hopefully, the debate will go on as scheduled. Hell, a non-speaking cardboard cutout of tRump would likely help his fledgling

You start threads and ban people who you know will call out your bullshit and trump is gutless. You're gutless and a fucking moron.