In the Face of Fact, the Supreme Court Chose Faith


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Imagine your boss fervently proclaiming his religious beliefs at the end of a companywide meeting, inviting everyone on the team who shares those beliefs to join in. You’re surrounded by colleagues and other higher-ups. Everyone is watching to see who participates and who holds back, knowing that whatever each of you does could make or break your job and even your career, whether you share his convictions or not. But hey, totally up to you!

That’s what Joseph Kennedy, a former assistant coach in Kitsap County, Wash., did with his team — only he did it with public-school students at a high-school football game.
But this court’s right-wing majority is following the dictum of our Trumpian age: Objective truth doesn’t matter. Subjective belief — specifically the beliefs of the court’s religious-right majority — does. The Kennedy decision wasn’t based on the facts but on belief in the face of facts. Moreover, those six justices are determined to foist their beliefs on the rest of the country.
Religious faith, most likely a serious, debilitating psychosis, is now running the country.
What the fuck are the preservationists trying to save?

PARTITION NOW! The Christian Taliban is no way to go for serious, intelligent, and moral people.
It's fine for the ignorant, pigfucking crackers. Let's all do our own thing in separate nations.