Inane Co-workers


There is a woman who stops by my office to ask me how I’m doing a few times a week. And I always say “good, how are you?” And then she proceeds to TELL ME. Oh, my allergies are acting up, and I also have to go to the chiropractor for something else, and while I’m there I’m going to ask him about some natural pill, because I prefer the holistic to that other stuff….Can you imagine?
Some people just want to have someone to yack at. I hate it when you have to try and pay attention to what they are actually saying. I try to be polite but often just start thinking about something else and nodding in a glazed eyed fashion and trying to at least hear enough to respond when forced to do so. I figure if they really get mad at me for not paying full attention then they may just not pick me to yack at the next time.

Some people are very lonely thought so I try not to be too cruel.
Some people just want to have someone to yack at. I hate it when you have to try and pay attention to what they are actually saying. I try to be polite but often just start thinking about something else and nodding in a glazed eyed fashion and trying to at least hear enough to respond when forced to do so. I figure if they really get mad at me for not paying full attention then they may just not pick me to yack at the next time.

Some people are very lonely thought so I try not to be too cruel.

Yeah that is what I do too. I am always afraid I’m going to get caught nodding and going “yeah” when someone just segued into their breast cancer diagnosis or something. But so far, as far as I know, I’ve never missed anything important. Or interesting.
There is a woman who stops by my office to ask me how I’m doing a few times a week. And I always say “good, how are you?” And then she proceeds to TELL ME. Oh, my allergies are acting up, and I also have to go to the chiropractor for something else, and while I’m there I’m going to ask him about some natural pill, because I prefer the holistic to that other stuff….Can you imagine?
So say, "Fair to party cloudy!" then start talking about your friend's hairy mole and tell her stories about your dreams.

People hate it when you talk about your dreams, there is nothing more boring than people's dreams.
There is a woman who stops by my office to ask me how I’m doing a few times a week. And I always say “good, how are you?” And then she proceeds to TELL ME. Oh, my allergies are acting up, and I also have to go to the chiropractor for something else, and while I’m there I’m going to ask him about some natural pill, because I prefer the holistic to that other stuff….Can you imagine?

I worked with someone that did the same thing, I let it happen twice. The third time she asked, "how are you?" I replied, "I always say fine, no one really wants to hear all about my aches and pains. How are you?" It worked. ;)
LOL Kathy.

Damo I have to say I love to hear about peoples dreams. You learn so much about how peoples minds work when you hear about their dreams.
Please. I'll trade your complaining wacko for my crazy cleaning lady ANY day of the week.
LOL Kathy.

Damo I have to say I love to hear about peoples dreams. You learn so much about how peoples minds work when you hear about their dreams.
No, you really don't. Most people misremember and their dreams are boring.

"I thought it was so weird that my husband was eating grapes, he hates grapes! Then he was spitting the seeds on the ground and pumpkins were growing! And what was really weird is he was wearing orange, which he looks really bad in! Then he grabbed a pencil and started trying to draw on the pumpkins... Then I woke up... What do you think it means?"
All of it is preferable to 2 yr old twins screaming at me. Aches and pains and allergies would be a nice contrast to owies and gucky noses.:eek:
Just try and work up a good fart.
They will leave.

I wish I could fart on demand. I would have loved to let a few SBDs slip on the plane when that man had his loud obnoxious kids running around. that's the perfect passive aggressive activity.
No need to be rude Damo, just do as LadyT said let a SBD slide out.
Then start waving a manilla folder ofer the cube wall like it came from over there.