who is jollie?

Chap how could you not know who that nut is? he writes all of those crazy posts, his last claim was that desh has been PM'ing him love letters? He is out of his mind and the funniest poster on the board, albeit, probably the most dangerous one?
Yeah, he really is bat$hit crazy. And really creeped everyone out on, but I have to admit, his posts are riots when you take a step back and look at the big picture: he thinks he's some sort of conservative scholar when in reality, he's probably posting from a jail or psych ward.
who is jollie?

MichaelK from fullpolitics. That's what I think.

Why does the rightwing have so many bug nuts crazy trolls? I mean the left has CK. But, there's no leftwing equivalent of the right's army of slackjaws here.