APP - India says IPCC not reliable, creates own climate change panel.

You are vindicated, tinfoil. You have been vindicated for a while now. I consider you my goto guy on AGW debunkment.


when entire countries start to doubt the IPCC, it makes me feel vindicated.

That’s odd. Your link from the “Telegraph” (which is a Rupert Murdoch rightwing rag) appears to have been edited, or taken down. The article is gone, except for the title, and a one paragraph subtitle which doesn’t provide any information or actual sources on who said what.

The Prime Minister of India - the LEADER of the nation - is on record as of a few days ago, saying he fully supports the IPCC.

Tinfoil, it’s no wonder why educated people don’t put any stock or faith in the rightwing articles you post

India boosts climate data contribution to IPCC

Feb. 8, 2010

A scientific network set up recently by India's environment ministry will contribute formally to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the country's prime minister has announced

The announcements come amid international debate over an IPCC claim about the melting rate of the Himalayan glaciers (see Glacier dispute reveals holes in research) and suggestions that scientists from the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, were selective about which of their climate research results they publicised.

But Singh emphasised that, despite some criticism of the IPCC's reports, "India has full confidence in the IPCC process and its leadership and will support it in every way that it can".

Ramesh said that the Indian initiative "will help fill an important scientific knowledge gap in the IPCC assessment by providing robust information at the sub-regional level".
That’s odd. Your link from the “Telegraph” (which is a Rupert Murdoch rightwing rag) appears to have been edited, or taken down. The article is gone, except for the title, and a one paragraph subtitle which doesn’t provide any information or actual sources on who said what.

The Prime Minister of India - the LEADER of the nation - is on record as of a few days ago, saying he fully supports the IPCC.

Tinfoil, it’s no wonder why educated people don’t put any stock or faith in the rightwing articles you post

that's odd! the links both work, idiot. Fuck you, warmer. Your religion is bullshit

I'll put the money quote from your OWN link in your quote:

The panel, in reviewing complaints about possible errors in its report, has so far found that one was justified and another was “baseless.

The general consensus among mainstream scientists is that the errors are in any case minor and do not undermine the report’s conclusions.

Wow, an article stating that rightwingers and climate deniers are "skeptical" of the IPCC. Will wonders never cease! I'm shocked, shocked I tell you by this news!

On the other hand, as SF's own article points out, most mainstream scientists consider errors in the IPCC report to be minor, and do not undermine the report's conclusions.

Thanks SF, for the confirmation that Dixie, Bravo, Tinfoil, Meme, and Webbway, and other college drop outs, don't know what the f they are talking about, except for the crap they get from partisan rightwing blogs.

I'll put the money quote from your OWN link in your quote:

Wow, an article stating that rightwingers and climate deniers are "skeptical" of the IPCC. Will wonders never cease! I'm shocked, shocked I tell you by this news!

On the other hand, as SF's own article points out, most mainstream scientists consider errors in the IPCC report to be minor, and do not undermine the report's conclusions.

Thanks SF, for the confirmation that Dixie, Bravo, Tinfoil, Meme, and Webbway, and other college drop outs, don't know what the f they are talking about, except for the crap they get from partisan rightwing blogs.

Wow an article says scientist still support the IPCC. big whoop. these same outlets pushed the bullshit glacier claims and the bullshit Netherland below sea level claims, both of which were touted as peer reviewed science and were nothing but bullshit. Go buy some carbon credits retard

February 08, 2010

India, the world’s second most populous nation and an emerging research powerhouse, announced last week that it was establishing its own independent climate panel to investigate climate change. Indian government officials said that they “cannot rely” on the the United Nation’s International Panel on Climate Change in light of recent errors.

India’s Environment Minister, Jairam Ramesh, announced the new panel on Wednesday evening. The new panel will be named the National Institute of Himalayan Glaciology. Its chief goal will be to monitor the health of the world’s “third ice cap”, and form an “Indian IPCC” to use “climate science” to offer analysis more solidly founded in unbiased observation.

Describes Mr. Ramesh, “There is a fine line between climate science and climate evangelism. I am for climate science. I think people misused [the] IPCC report, [the] IPCC doesn’t do the original research which is one of the weaknesses… they just take published literature and then they derive assessments, so we had goof-ups on Amazon forest, glaciers, snow peaks.”

He continues, “I respect the IPCC but India is a very large country and cannot depend only on [the] IPCC and so we have launched the Indian Network on Comprehensive Climate Change Assessment (INCCA).”

The move marks a major snub for the IPCC and its Indian chief, Rajendra Pachauri. As is alluded to in Mr. Ramesh’s remarks, over the last month Mr. Pachauri has been under fire for a retracted study that claimed the Himalayan Glaciers would melt by 2035.

Mr. Pachauri, who holds a doctorate in economics but no formal climate training, has been a controversial figure, suggesting that people worldwide give up luxuries such as meat to fight climate change despite reportedly living an affluent lifestyle personally. Nonetheless, Mr. Pachauri does have powerful supporters – as evidenced by the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, which he received along with fellow amateur researcher Al Gore.

Mr. Ramesh was critical of Mr. Pachauri’s recently retracted report, stating that it “was clearly out of place and didn’t have any scientific basis.”

The new National Institute of Himalayan Glaciology will be based in Dehradun, Uttarakhand and will publish its first climate survey in November. The survey will track glaciers in India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan.

More scientific analysis on as significant a topic as understanding our planet is certainly a great idea and India’s desire to avoid reliance on biased climate research sources is commendable. One can only hope that they thoroughly examine past historical and geological evidence, which heavily points to cyclic climate changes independent of human influence. Recent studies have shown that the Earth may balance out what minimal atmospheric effects humans have, leaving solar activity as the primary driving factor of any changes in our planet’s climate.

_© 2009, DailyTech
That’s odd. Your link from the “Telegraph” (which is a Rupert Murdoch rightwing rag) appears to have been edited, or taken down. The article is gone, except for the title, and a one paragraph subtitle which doesn’t provide any information or actual sources on who said what.

The Prime Minister of India - the LEADER of the nation - is on record as of a few days ago, saying he fully supports the IPCC.

Tinfoil, it’s no wonder why educated people don’t put any stock or faith in the rightwing articles you post

India boosts climate data contribution to IPCC

Feb. 8, 2010

A scientific network set up recently by India's environment ministry will contribute formally to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the country's prime minister has announced

The announcements come amid international debate over an IPCC claim about the melting rate of the Himalayan glaciers (see Glacier dispute reveals holes in research) and suggestions that scientists from the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, were selective about which of their climate research results they publicised.

But Singh emphasised that, despite some criticism of the IPCC's reports, "India has full confidence in the IPCC process and its leadership and will support it in every way that it can".

Ramesh said that the Indian initiative "will help fill an important scientific knowledge gap in the IPCC assessment by providing robust information at the sub-regional level".

That’s odd. Your link from the “Telegraph” (which is a Rupert Murdoch rightwing rag) appears to have been edited, or taken down. The article is gone, except for the title, and a one paragraph subtitle which doesn’t provide any information or actual sources on who said what.

The Prime Minister of India - the LEADER of the nation - is on record as of a few days ago, saying he fully supports the IPCC.

Tinfoil, it’s no wonder why educated people don’t put any stock or faith in the rightwing articles you post

The Telegraph is not owned by Rupert Murdoch, that is the Times. It used to owned by Conrad Black until the authorities saw sense and threw him into jail. It is now owned by the ultra secretive Barclay brothers.

[ame=""]The Daily Telegraph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

I'll put the money quote from your OWN link in your quote:

Wow, an article stating that rightwingers and climate deniers are "skeptical" of the IPCC. Will wonders never cease! I'm shocked, shocked I tell you by this news!

On the other hand, as SF's own article points out, most mainstream scientists consider errors in the IPCC report to be minor, and do not undermine the report's conclusions.
Thanks SF, for the confirmation that Dixie, Bravo, Tinfoil, Meme, and Webbway, and other college drop outs, don't know what the f they are talking about, except for the crap they get from partisan rightwing blogs.

Thanks Leg humper... you have proven that you are beholden to the trash that is the left wing NY Times and that your head is buried up the asses of your flat earth masters at the IPCC.

Only a flat earther would still believe the bullshit the IPCC posts. The so-called 'scientists' that are 'mainstream' are non other than the ones getting their funding from the governments they duped into this flat earth fear mongering.