Legion Troll
A fine upstanding poster
On Super Tuesday, Trump is the overwhelming favorite to win most of the remaining voting states—and their delegates—across the country.
To clinch the nomination before the Republican convention, Trump needs 1,237 committed delegates.
Before Nevada, he had 67 delegates, and Ted Cruz was in second place with 11.
Here’s how the math works.
On Super Tuesday alone, the only states that Trump currently risks losing, according to Real Clear Politics averages, are Arkansas and Texas. Both of those states have Cruz leading by surmountable percentages (note, though, that polling in both states is not always frequent or entirely current).
Even if Trump comes in second in Texas, he could still win.
Many of the states leading up to March 8 fit the model of Trump’s South Carolina victory, in which he captured about a third of the vote but still managed to get all the delegates due to proportionality rules.
Trump still faces four opponents before March 1.
Rubio, Kasich, and Cruz will all try and see if they can win their respective home states (where all of them except Rubio are leading)
Unless everyone but Rubio and Cruz quits in the next week, Trump can’t be caught.