Infection control protocol for Covid-19


Classical Liberal
Impossible to relate every scenario but I'll give the proper protocol for going to the grocery store.

When leaving your house wear safety goggles, sterile disposable gloves, a sterile disposable gown, an N-95 mask, sterile disposable shoe coverings, and a disposable bouffant cap.
Once entering grocery remove sterile gloves dispose into a SHARPS container, and place a new set of sterile gloves on hands.
After placing each new item into grocery cart, remove gloves. They are now contaminated. Place a new set of sterile gloves. After every encounter within 6 feet with another human you must assume they are contaminated with Covid-19 . Dispose of your N-95 mask into your SHARPS container, remove a new sterile mask from it's packaging and replace.
After your visit to the grocery store have a certified SHARPS disposal company pick up the contaminated container. Safety goggles must be sterilized in a chemical autoclave (chemclave) or be disposed and replaced.

This is a public service announcement for the benefit of all on this board from one who has taken infection control continuing education classes and seminars for at least the last 30 yrs.

My process. put on boat shoes (no socks). Find car keys, pocket knife, wallet (never, ever forget the wallet), put on 'Eight-pointer.' Finish beer. Head to truck and go to store for more.

pocket knife


Vintage US handmade Parker.

Alternate is my Boker Tree Brand TL-29 electrician's pocket knife (mine's in way better shape)


The "eight pointer" (with appropriate Chief's fouled anchor)


Enter store, get beer, pay, leave, drink more beer.
