Innocent person of color murdered by police

[h=2]​Elijah McClain played violin for lonely kittens. His last words to police are devastating.[/h]

Elijah McCain was a massage therapist who played violin for shelter kittens on his lunch break in his hometown of Aurora, Colorado, because he thought the animals were lonely. If that detail alone doesn't conjure up a picture of a gentle soul, Colorado Music described McClain as a young man who was "quirky, a pacifist, a vegetarian, enjoyed running, and known to put a smile on everyone's face."

Boy that was intense!


Good riddance to that shitbag.

I sympathize with him. He sounds like a genuinely nice kid and it's a shame he died, but first of all, he shouldn't have struggled with the police even if he knew he had done nothing wrong. Second of all, It's my understanding that like Floyd, he died of a heart attack, not from abuse by the police.

From CNN:

During the stop, he resisted officer contact and a struggle ensued, the report says. On one of the officers' body cameras, McClain is heard saying, "I'm an introvert, please respect the boundaries that I am speaking."

Bodycam video shows him telling officers that he was trying to stop his music to listen to them, then they begin to arrest him. One officer is heard telling another, "He just grabbed your gun, dude."

When paramedics arrived at the scene, they administered the drug ketamine to sedate McClain, the report said. According to a letter from the district attorney, McClain suffered a heart attack while in the ambulance and was declared brain dead three days later.

An autopsy did not determine a cause of death but listed intense physical exertion and a narrow left coronary artery as contributing factors, according to the police overview. The coroner found the amount of ketamine in his system to be a therapeutic amount.

In February this year, a police review board declared, "[t]he force applied during the altercation to include the carotid control hold and the force applied during the altercation was within policy and consistent with training."
I sympathize with him. He sounds like a genuinely nice kid and it's a shame he died, but first of all, he shouldn't have struggled with the police even if he knew he had done nothing wrong. Second of all, It's my understanding that like Floyd, he died of a heart attack, not from abuse by the police.

From CNN:

why do you hate black people?