Inside Every Liberal Is a Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out


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The Progressive believes in precisely two things:* his own magnificence and the constructive power of brute force.* In combination, they lead him naturally from the role of pestiferous busybody to brutal dictator.* Where the productive man dreams of the things he might create if only left alone by his fellows, the Progressive dreams of the world he could create if only the lives and property of his fellows were at his disposal. *The roots of his pathology lie in that oldest and most destructive of all human vices, the desire for the power to rule over other men.

As naked power-lust is a rather ugly motive, the Progressive rationalizes his desire to rule as a concern for human welfare, seeing himself as a great humanitarian, far superior morally to the lesser beings who pursue merely “materialist” ends such as their own prosperity and who frequently object to his program for achieving Utopia.* This assumed moral superiority spills over into fields of practical accomplishment, and the Progressive imagines himself capable of allocating resources and even directing entire industries far more efficiently than a free market, often despite not even having any business or scientific experience.* But despite what the Progressive believes about himself, the desire to compel others to obey his orders is what drives him forward.* To satisfy this desire, there is ultimately no limit to what actions he will take, for he respects none of the restrictions on government officials intended to guarantee individual freedom that have been developed and set forth in written or unwritten constitutions.

A bit dated, butt: good enough to win the prize.
The Progressive believes in precisely two things:* his own magnificence and the constructive power of brute force.* In combination, they lead him naturally from the role of pestiferous busybody to brutal dictator.* Where the productive man dreams of the things he might create if only left alone by his fellows, the Progressive dreams of the world he could create if only the lives and property of his fellows were at his disposal. *The roots of his pathology lie in that oldest and most destructive of all human vices, the desire for the power to rule over other men.

As naked power-lust is a rather ugly motive, the Progressive rationalizes his desire to rule as a concern for human welfare, seeing himself as a great humanitarian, far superior morally to the lesser beings who pursue merely “materialist” ends such as their own prosperity and who frequently object to his program for achieving Utopia.* This assumed moral superiority spills over into fields of practical accomplishment, and the Progressive imagines himself capable of allocating resources and even directing entire industries far more efficiently than a free market, often despite not even having any business or scientific experience.* But despite what the Progressive believes about himself, the desire to compel others to obey his orders is what drives him forward.* To satisfy this desire, there is ultimately no limit to what actions he will take, for he respects none of the restrictions on government officials intended to guarantee individual freedom that have been developed and set forth in written or unwritten constitutions.

A bit dated, butt: good enough to win the prize.

Sup Merc....:D Hope you are having a fun summer & staying out of

That line kinda reminds me of someone...... Has zero experience & yet thinks he can run the free world.....:whome:.......:)
Sup Merc....:D Hope you are having a fun summer & staying out of

That line kinda reminds me of someone...... Has zero experience & yet thinks he can run the free world.....:whome:.......:)

u mean obummer?

i know he wuznt in the senate very long & wuz a community organizer b4 that
not as much az djt tho

obummer never ran a business

obummer never created wealth

obummer never had a job outside govt and ivory tower lib land amirite?

He never bankrupted a business either......... Unfortunately don isn't running a business here, see the difference??

He is doing a terrible job...... His worst enemy isn't the dems, the deep state, or his own party-IT'S HIM...

If his businesses ran like this I can't see how he stayed in business......
He never bankrupted a business either......... Unfortunately don isn't running a business here, see the difference??

He is doing a terrible job...... His worst enemy isn't the dems, the deep state, or his own party-IT'S HIM...

If his businesses ran like this I can't see how he stayed in business......

cant fail @ what u never tried so thats no achievement 4 obummer

didnt he almost double the debt?

instead obummer almost bankrupted a country

what about djts successes? u dont wanna talk about them do u?

the rest of ur post is tds mixed with butthurt and wishful thinking
Sophomoric essay full of over generalizations and stereotypes, how does the 55mph national speed limit, which was introduced by President Nixon, hardly a progressive, and heavily endorsed by President Reagan, who we all know wasn't close to being a liberal, fit into your scenario?

The Democrats have never called for "complete control of the media," in fact is was the GOP who fought against the Fairness Doctrine, nor have they ever called for "complete elimination of guns," "one party rule," and "complete control of the economy." Complete rubbish, start to finish, and this thing won a contest?

cant fail @ what u never tried so thats no achievement 4 obummer

didnt he almost double the debt?

instead obummer almost bankrupted a country

what about djts successes? u dont wanna talk about them do u?

the rest of ur post is tds mixed with butthurt and wishful thinking

I'm not really interested in talking about how shitty obama was.......... He's gone now....

We have another problem in the white house now.........
I'm not really interested in talking about how shitty obama was.......... He's gone now....

how convenient

tell me what dems we r allowed to bring up as examples?

i noticed u had nothing 2 say to archives who brought up nixon and reagan

they r gone now 2

ur bias is showing
He didn't have much :dunno: but what lil he did have was way more than NONE!!

Obama has failed on his promise to close GITMO.
Obama failed to end the war in Iraq and finish the job in Afghanistan.
Obama broke his promise to pursue a "tough, smart and principled national security strategy."
Obama broke his promise not to raise taxes on the middle-class.
Obama failed to grow the middle-class and Americans' incomes.
Obama broke his promise to allow Americans to keep their plans and lower costs under Obamacare.
Obama failed to make immigration a top priority and pass comprehensive reform in his first year.
Obama failed to "nail shut" the revolving door of lobbyists working in his administration.
Obama broke his promise to bring both parties together to enact a bipartisan agenda.
Obama has failed on his promise to close GITMO.
Obama failed to end the war in Iraq and finish the job in Afghanistan.
Obama broke his promise to pursue a "tough, smart and principled national security strategy."
Obama broke his promise not to raise taxes on the middle-class.
Obama failed to grow the middle-class and Americans' incomes.
Obama broke his promise to allow Americans to keep their plans and lower costs under Obamacare.
Obama failed to make immigration a top priority and pass comprehensive reform in his first year.
Obama failed to "nail shut" the revolving door of lobbyists working in his administration.
Obama broke his promise to bring both parties together to enact a bipartisan agenda.

Sounds like lots of fail (yawn) I guess it's good no one voted for him in 2016..........
Sup Merc....:D Hope you are having a fun summer & staying out of

That line kinda reminds me of someone...... Has zero experience & yet thinks he can run the free world.....:whome:.......:)

Trump has experience it is Obamaprompter who lacked experience as others have said. Been gettin' in some trouble BIG Bill, that's what makes summer fun.
Trump has experience it is Obamaprompter who lacked experience as others have said. Been gettin' in some trouble BIG Bill, that's what makes summer fun.
Hey there. Leaving for Whidbey Thurs. a.m. with the Frau to look around, see what we can afford. 2.5 more yrs to go! You golf?
Trump has experience it is Obamaprompter who lacked experience as others have said.

Experience at what.... grabbing pussies, cheating small business people out of large sums of money, filing for bankruptcy, colluding with foreign enemy govts, going in hock for millions of dollars to Russian banks, refusing to release his taxes, hurling insults, lying, making phony promises?

Trump is a bad joke.
Trump has experience it is Obamaprompter who lacked experience as others have said. Been gettin' in some trouble BIG Bill, that's what makes summer fun.
LOL......... She is gonna cut your bad one day you keep foolin around......:D

What you been doing "besides" getting in trouble??

I started hiking again, been several years but enjoying it.
