Instant Karma


Will work for Scooby snacks

One of the best high school football players in the country had his Florida scholarship offer pulled this weekend ... after he was seen on video rapping the n-word.

Marcus Stokes posted the quick, two-second clip on his social media page last week -- appearing to show the quarterback recruit singing, "Welcome back, n***a."

Almost immediately afterward, the Nease H.S. athlete, who's white, received backlash for it ... and on Sunday, the Univ. of Florida made the decision to pull their offer from him.

Stokes had been committed to attending the school since early July.

"I was in my car listening to rap music, rapping along to the words and posted a video of it on social media," Stokes explained on his Twitter page on Sunday.

"I deeply apologize for the words in the song that I chose to say. It was hurtful and offensive to many people, and I regret that."

One of the best high school football players in the country had his Florida scholarship offer pulled this weekend ... after he was seen on video rapping the n-word.

Marcus Stokes posted the quick, two-second clip on his social media page last week -- appearing to show the quarterback recruit singing, "Welcome back, n***a."

Almost immediately afterward, the Nease H.S. athlete, who's white, received backlash for it ... and on Sunday, the Univ. of Florida made the decision to pull their offer from him.

Stokes had been committed to attending the school since early July.

"I was in my car listening to rap music, rapping along to the words and posted a video of it on social media," Stokes explained on his Twitter page on Sunday.

"I deeply apologize for the words in the song that I chose to say. It was hurtful and offensive to many people, and I regret that."

why are words creating chaos more important than genetics balancing out life forward one ancestor at a time arriving last generation to evolve into 1 of 16 dead great great grandparents or not. Instant karma is nothing more than universal constant for every action there are oppose and equal reactions due to one constant process, evolving is always a new total sum for each individual cycle universally present existing as spontaneously present simultaneously becoming a new total sum of the whole is equal to all its parts.

6degrees of separation has 8 corners of open ended triangulation directing the behavior of each person each generation reached conceived to decomposed. Not every great great grandchild becomes 1 of 2 parents, not every 1 of 2 parents becomes 1 of 4 grandparents, not all 4 grandparents become 1 of 8 great grandparents, not all 8 great grandparents become 1 of 16 dead great great grandparents.

But every great great grandchild came from having 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great great grandparents, 16 dead great great grandparents or they wouldn't of arrived to keep the species evolving one lifetime at a time now.

So you wish to debate self evident results only allowing factualized speculation life cannot be limited to mutually evolving now in plain sight insisting anyone that doesn't accept it is insubordinate, traitors, blasphemy against humanity, when in actual results instinctively navigating life in real time.

So your instant karma is your whole ancestral history was pretending now wasn't eternity to make believe intellect is a supernatural immortal energy beyond the time life actually only exists evolving forward now in plain sight. Imagine there is a real physical eternity and your ancestry for last 350 generations have been denying it blaming every other ancestry for their reality never delivering the tomorrows expected in hope, faith, charity, life cannot be limited to genetics eternally separating ancestors here in plain sight.

Amazing what one discovers reading between the lines of history regardless the society involved in ignoring now was always the point genetics keeps ancestors naturally eternally separated now and only one species came up with the idea to never agree it was.

Gee humanity is the trickster of language arts, genetics eternally creating life in this atmosphere is God, Allah, Buddha, Mother Nature, Father Time, that each ancestor was an equally conceived replacement each with varying talents to adapt in an ever changing body never duplicated in form and shape since arrived a fertilized cell which the nucleus became the brain to the infant born capable of adapting to life never same total sum twice in plain sight of each other.

Reasonable doubt and corrupted power of suggestion. Politics and religion being left and right wings of humanity academia training last arriving generation to repeat previous 4 generations ignoring now is eternity to current events leading this species to self extinction because nobody left, less one, comprehends instinctive awareness inside out.

One of the best high school football players in the country had his Florida scholarship offer pulled this weekend ... after he was seen on video rapping the n-word.

Marcus Stokes posted the quick, two-second clip on his social media page last week -- appearing to show the quarterback recruit singing, "Welcome back, n***a."

Almost immediately afterward, the Nease H.S. athlete, who's white, received backlash for it ... and on Sunday, the Univ. of Florida made the decision to pull their offer from him.

Stokes had been committed to attending the school since early July.

"I was in my car listening to rap music, rapping along to the words and posted a video of it on social media," Stokes explained on his Twitter page on Sunday.

"I deeply apologize for the words in the song that I chose to say. It was hurtful and offensive to many people, and I regret that."

I'm not buying it. He could have posted himself rapping to any other song on social media. He chose that one. There is no one else to blame but the kid.
I'm not buying it. He could have posted himself rapping to any other song on social media. He chose that one. There is no one else to blame but the kid.

That's an astute observation.

I was naively prepared to believe his version of what happened.
ever notice consenting adults ignoring now is eternity unite against anyone saying it always was by calling the person a traitor to social consensus of we believe life has to be more than genetics eternally separating reproductions left alive last 5 generation gaps present.

this thread is about instant karma, why not it be on the majority of people ignoring life in real time.

One of the best high school football players in the country had his Florida scholarship offer pulled this weekend ... after he was seen on video rapping the n-word.

Marcus Stokes posted the quick, two-second clip on his social media page last week -- appearing to show the quarterback recruit singing, "Welcome back, n***a."

Almost immediately afterward, the Nease H.S. athlete, who's white, received backlash for it ... and on Sunday, the Univ. of Florida made the decision to pull their offer from him.

Stokes had been committed to attending the school since early July.

"I was in my car listening to rap music, rapping along to the words and posted a video of it on social media," Stokes explained on his Twitter page on Sunday.

"I deeply apologize for the words in the song that I chose to say. It was hurtful and offensive to many people, and I regret that."

Is this the part where the MAGATs all hop up and down and scream about "woke"?
Is this the part where the MAGATs all hop up and down and scream about "woke"?
The kid should have realized he is not some obscure message board poster no one pays any attention to. He is one of the top college recruits in the country who has been given a scholarship probably worth a couple hundred grand, and he is representing a major Division 1 football program, and his actions reflect on that program.
The kid should have realized he is not some obscure message board poster no one pays any attention to. He is one of the top college recruits in the country who has been given a scholarship probably worth a couple hundred grand, and he is representing a major Division 1 football program, and his actions reflect on that program.

Judge not a person by his own actions, but by the company that supports the same social narrative. Timber, humanity is falling down.