Insurance Companies Make a Mistake


This is actually a positive step in the slow march towards single payer. The more these fools spread the burden around, the more Americans, who traditionally ask themselves "I got mine, who cares about you?" will be severely affected and that's more of them who will want something to be done.

Bravo, fools.

Co-Payments Go Way Up for Drugs With High Prices
Health insurance companies are rapidly adopting a new pricing system for very expensive drugs, asking patients to pay hundreds and even thousands of dollars for prescriptions for medications that may save their lives or slow the progress of serious diseases.

With the new pricing system, insurers abandoned the traditional arrangement that has patients pay a fixed amount, like $10, $20 or $30 for a prescription, no matter what the drug’s actual cost. Instead, they are charging patients a percentage of the cost of certain high-priced drugs, usually 20 to 33 percent, which can amount to thousands of dollars a month.

The system means that the burden of expensive health care can now affect insured people, too.

No one knows how many patients are affected, but hundreds of drugs are priced this new way. They are used to treat diseases that may be fairly common, including multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, hemophilia, hepatitis C and some cancers. There are no cheaper equivalents for these drugs, so patients are forced to pay the price or do without.

Insurers say the new system keeps everyone’s premiums down at a time when some of the most innovative and promising new treatments for conditions like cancer and rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis can cost $100,000 and more a year.

But the result is that patients may have to spend more for a drug than they pay for their mortgages, more, in some cases, than their monthly incomes.

The system, often called Tier 4, began in earnest with Medicare drug plans and spread rapidly. It is now incorporated into 86 percent of those plans. Some have even higher co-payments for certain drugs, a Tier 5.

Now Tier 4 is also showing up in insurance that people buy on their own or acquire through employers, said Dan Mendelson of Avalere Health, a research organization in Washington. It is the fastest-growing segment in private insurance, Mr. Mendelson said. Five years ago it was virtually nonexistent in private plans, he said. Now 10 percent of them have Tier 4 drug categories.

Private insurers began offering Tier 4 plans in response to employers who were looking for ways to keep costs down, said Karen Ignagni, president of America’s Health Insurance Plans, which represents most of the nation’s health insurers. When people who need Tier 4 drugs pay more for them, other subscribers in the plan pay less for their coverage.

But the new system sticks seriously ill people with huge bills, said James Robinson, a health economist at the University of California, Berkeley. “It is very unfortunate social policy,” Dr. Robinson said. “The more the sick person pays, the less the healthy person pays.”

Traditionally, the idea of insurance was to spread the costs of paying for the sick.

“This is an erosion of the traditional concept of insurance,” Mr. Mendelson said. “Those beneficiaries who bear the burden of illness are also bearing the burden of cost.”
its not a secret that the insurance company and the bank are the nicest buildings on main streets across America and never seam effected by a recession.
The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS - no, not that PBS :D) here in Australia has listed drugs and the federal government, which runs the scheme as the single payer, can be pressured to list drugs which would otherwise be completely out of the reach of all but the very, very rich.

Because it's government-run a good grassroots campaign can get a prohibitively expensive drug on the PBS. This was done recently with a drug used to treat virulent breast cancer. It was extremely expensive and the average woman couldn't afford it. But it's on the list after a public campaign. Try doing that to a health insurance company.
The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS - no, not that PBS :D) here in Australia has listed drugs and the federal government, which runs the scheme as the single payer, can be pressured to list drugs which would otherwise be completely out of the reach of all but the very, very rich.

Because it's government-run a good grassroots campaign can get a prohibitively expensive drug on the PBS. This was done recently with a drug used to treat virulent breast cancer. It was extremely expensive and the average woman couldn't afford it. But it's on the list after a public campaign. Try doing that to a health insurance company.

Yeah, that's a good point.
As someone who has no health insurance, i'd like to say Boo Hoo!!! You mean people have to PAY for their OWN treatment??
Young healthy man has no issurance?

What a shocker stirfry.

Now what does a poor sick woman with two kids do?

She should just decrease the surplus population huh?