Intellectual Pride Before the Downfall Of A Species.


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Corrupted minds call describing adapting as displaced babble when it doesn't fit their belief system of social justification reality means everything to die for without ever wanting to completely understand everything going on now. Sound familiar? All or nothing Jihadism. What hope, faith, charity cultivate ancestrally wishing now wasn't eternity where genetics sustains numbers being eternally separated as ancestrally here now.

Philosophy of anything is possible, psychological class warfare practiced in every economy establishing rank of who's who ancestrally here now on a global scale of people seeking to inherit the earth in their lifetime and governing everyone else after their death to achieve intellectual immortality being remembered by every ancestral lineage left until extinction arrives.

the actual vanity from humanity historically achieved to date in every mind over matter reality in practice here now. Self inflicted extinction is more likely than survival of the species after the end of this decade.

Damn I hope my instincts are wrong, but current events suggests otherwise. And your vernacular tribalism verifies my expectations.

Here are some rhetorical questions every human must answer instinctively in their own brain, not from a social mantra.
Safe from what harm?
Freedom from what dangers?
How does life actually physically evolve one ancestor at a time spontaneously alive simultaneously here?
Why doesn't living ever reproduce the same lifetime twice?
Which what am I here now?
Where am I?
What I am doing here now?
When did I arrive and do I depart?
Whom decides who I am socially?

I haven't met a character saving humanity that will honestly answer these questions except myself. Not my own ancestry, not my own family, not my friends, not my "allies", not those made me their enemy for not pledging allegiance to their beliefs.

I doubt reasonable doubt advocates have my best interests in their heart, mind, body, or soul believing their intellect is superior to an individual's brain adapting in space mutually evolving forward one at a time in plain sight.

Economics has a rule of 72, and chromosomes has a pattern of compression ratios that fit specific numbers to generation gaps living in each species occupying time evolving forward here one ancestor at a time and I have figured the algorithm out as a universal constant past, current events whether I existed or not, and in real time evolving there never was a tomorrow to be had.

Just the time adapting to the moment here since conceived. The whole of eternity is equal to total sum of events evolving forward now. Spontaneously each, simultaneously living uniquely present in every changing form shaped since conceived until decomposed. What expands from nothing before contracts into nothing duplicated again.

the whole is equal to the total sum of its ever changing numbers present, until not any more reproductions added again.

So when eternally separated conceived to decomposed, where are safe spaces limited to adapting as displaced in a body never same total sum results here now. Relative time logistics corrupts each ancestor alive, now.

What do you have to do to correct it? Change your mind. But when you do, human intellectual souls defining tomorrow by rule of law will punish your honesty there after one of 3 ways.

1. Insubordination against social consensus of what people believe true. Punishment shunning.
2. Treason against their form of reasonable doubt, exile or execution.
3. Blasphemy against any reality currently is a hate crime against ideology of any franchise of humanity defending human rights to pretend now isn't eternity. Punishment shunning, exile, executed for not complying to "We say so.".

think I covered everything going on within this species in this atmosphere today and tomorrow because the past is done and over with as corrupted as it is now within the population of homo sapien ancestral lineages present. I have accounted for every conceived and died ancestor since inception of this species in this post again.

Being alive is self evident that adapting to the moment leaves each reproduction just a link in chain of events evolving forward one at a time here now.

People are brutally attacking other people and recording it for Tic Tok likes...this dark age is that bad already.

Buckle Up....the piles of bodies will be massive this time.
I'm now waiting for Salty's opinion on this profound subject.

Naturally you are, your mind operates by consensus, not navigate time as one of a kind adapting to life genetically eternally separated now by the numbers inhabiting space specifically here one at a time.
People are brutally attacking other people and recording it for Tic Tok likes...this dark age is that bad already.

Buckle Up....the piles of bodies will be massive this time.

Doesn't have to be when one species stops minding power of suggesting life isn't naturally limited to evolving as ancestrally displaced specifically here now.

Humanity is sustained by people ancestrally wishing now wasn't limiting lifetimes to only adapting in the moment here.
I'm now waiting for Salty's opinion on this profound subject.

Survival of the fittest fascists mass neuroses of fascism not so master race not so master plan 3 dimensional pseudoscience will be incorporated into Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 national Islam "death to the infidels" religion of Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martydom as "one nation under God with equal justice under law" Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement under color of law thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists ashes to ashes dust to dust.....
Survival of the fittest fascists mass neuroses of fascism not so master race not so master plan 3 dimensional pseudoscience will be incorporated into Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 national Islam "death to the infidels" religion of Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martydom as "one nation under God with equal justice under law" Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement under color of law thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists ashes to ashes dust to dust.....

is it me or this doesn't look like an opinion as much as a a satire of what I discuss about life and humanity corrupting everyone alive added into this species next generation gap arriving one at time like all previous ones have since inception. Before and after the dawn of civilization, dark ages, Renaissance, industrial revolution, modern 21st century.