APP - Interesting California Poll

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Just a couple of caveats. I have never heard of this polling group before so I can't speak to their accuracy or reliability. They did do a likely voter turnout model so that is good.

What is interesting is that Cox is running neck and neck with Newsom. Newsom thought he would cruise to victory. Now, I am not saying for one second that Cox can win. Given the registration advantage democrats have it would be highly unlikely.

But, what I think is plausible is that Cox gets many republicans out to vote which will help down ballot races for the US House. The democrat party has pinned their hopes of taking back the House on seven seats in California

Also, Diane Feinstein could be in trouble. She isn't even polling above 40%. That is very bad. I think she could conceivably lose. I hope the republican voters in California help put her out to pasture