APP - Interesting commentary by the Democrat Media Industrial Complex

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I have to give them credit. They are relentless. It doesn't matter if it is John McCain, 9-11 memorials, hurricanes, Miss America pageants; the DMIC does not miss an opportunity to try to use it as a way to bash our President.

They never stop. This morning on Morning Shmo, Mika and Joe Underwood had Chris Matthews on and they were asking him to prognosticate the upcoming midterms. He said "I think this time they are going to vote the way they should have voted in 2016".

It really is amazing how little these people get the electorate.

I don't know how this mid term election is going to shape up yet, but I am getting a sense that the democrat party and their left wing base is setting itself up for disappointment. I see many parallels with 2016

- Shoddy polling
- A sense of inevitability
- A refusal to consider an alternative view

I get that the GOP is facing strong headwinds, and as it stands today history is not on their side to retain the House. Additionally, the feckless GOP has done themselves no favors to animate their own voting base. It is like Paul Ryan wants them to lose control. I don't see any scenario where the democrat party takes back the Senate yet. They would have to hold all of their seats and gain some upsets. That is a tall order