Interesting day


Verified User
I had a interesting day, I met some really nice people at the hospital , I had to get a echo today for my cardio doc at a new hospital for me. the lady in the out patient registration was so nice a very attractive black woman about 40 she really complemented me on how I looked wearing my pork pie hot,
next a very attractive younger whit girl did the echo she was so friendly and pleasant, next I was driving and one of the ugliest fattest white women a real whopper on a cubicle gave me the finger for some reason . She was enormous how she sat on the bike seat with out it going up inside her amazed me , her legs looked like large tree stumps, next I stopped to fill the car up and pick up some lotto tickets for the woman , the clerk was a short young white girl and she had the personality and politeness of a pit viper very miserable .

next off to publix that had sirloin burger on sale cheap and thats all we use and they had sirloin steak on sale we use it a lot for breakfast steaks and for fajitas and stew and soup meat among other things . So I picked up 14 lbs of burger for the freezer to add to what we already have and 10 lbs of steak for the freezer.

Met the nicest woman in the store about 50 Latino attractive , she said looks like your having a bbq am I invited lol she was just being nice.
I am fixing dinner right now before the little woman goes to work , salmon with smoked paprika and old bay sprinkled with pink salt and sesame seed , cooked in Amish butter and a bit of olive oil, served with green beans and sliced almond along with lightly steamed asparagus with a homemade hollandaise sauce.
I had a interesting day, I met some really nice people at the hospital , I had to get a echo today for my cardio doc at a new hospital for me. the lady in the out patient registration was so nice a very attractive black woman about 40 she really complemented me on how I looked wearing my pork pie hot,
next a very attractive younger whit girl did the echo she was so friendly and pleasant, next I was driving and one of the ugliest fattest white women a real whopper on a cubicle gave me the finger for some reason . She was enormous how she sat on the bike seat with out it going up inside her amazed me , her legs looked like large tree stumps, next I stopped to fill the car up and pick up some lotto tickets for the woman , the clerk was a short young white girl and she had the personality and politeness of a pit viper very miserable .

next off to publix that had sirloin burger on sale cheap and thats all we use and they had sirloin steak on sale we use it a lot for breakfast steaks and for fajitas and stew and soup meat among other things . So I picked up 14 lbs of burger for the freezer to add to what we already have and 10 lbs of steak for the freezer.

Met the nicest woman in the store about 50 Latino attractive , she said looks like your having a bbq am I invited lol she was just being nice.

We have been informed that we are supposed to call them Latinx now, are you paying attention to your notices?

Also Black must be capitalized!

White must not be!

I had a interesting day, I met some really nice people at the hospital , I had to get a echo today for my cardio doc at a new hospital for me. the lady in the out patient registration was so nice a very attractive black woman about 40 she really complemented me on how I looked wearing my pork pie hot,
next a very attractive younger whit girl did the echo she was so friendly and pleasant, next I was driving and one of the ugliest fattest white women a real whopper on a cubicle gave me the finger for some reason . She was enormous how she sat on the bike seat with out it going up inside her amazed me , her legs looked like large tree stumps, next I stopped to fill the car up and pick up some lotto tickets for the woman , the clerk was a short young white girl and she had the personality and politeness of a pit viper very miserable .

next off to publix that had sirloin burger on sale cheap and thats all we use and they had sirloin steak on sale we use it a lot for breakfast steaks and for fajitas and stew and soup meat among other things . So I picked up 14 lbs of burger for the freezer to add to what we already have and 10 lbs of steak for the freezer.

Met the nicest woman in the store about 50 Latino attractive , she said looks like your having a bbq am I invited lol she was just being nice.

I live in a Latino majority town
The town to the north is mostly white

I run into much meaner people in the mostly white one

Old white Entitled fools

Old and angry

Every time I end up in a conversation with one of the entitled minded ones it turns out they watch Fucks news

It brain washes old white people into thinking the nation is a race hell hole

While they sit in their comfortable homes and imagines those brown people are creeping arround outside at night trying to kill them

I can’t wait until we kill Fucks news
I live in a Latino majority town
The town to the north is mostly white

I run into much meaner people in the mostly white one

Old white Entitled fools

Old and angry

Every time I end up in a conversation with one of the entitled minded ones it turns out they watch Fucks news

It brain washes old white people into thinking the nation is a race hell hole

While they sit in their comfortable homes and imagines those brown people are creeping arround outside at night trying to kill them

I can’t wait until we kill Fucks news
You're in the wrong thread....
Very ambitious, BB.

I'm taking the night off and ordering Chinese takeout instead.


not ambitious at all its a common meal for us. Plus I I not only enjoy cooking I do most of it. I do all the bbq work and the little woman only has to cook if I am sick or not here , she has here own business .