International Criminal Court processing virus complaint against China


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'The world demands justice for the death and destruction they have caused'
WND Staff By WND Staff
Published April 7, 2020 at 7:38pm

An official with the International Criminal Court in The Hague has informed lawyer Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch that his complaint against China for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic is under consideration.

Mark P. Dillon, head of the information and evidence unit of the ICC, cautioned Klayman in a letter that the acknowledgement does not mean an investigation has been opened or will be opened by the Office of the Prosecutor.

Klayman said he's "confident that the International Criminal Court will proceed with a criminal investigation and indict the Chinese leadership."

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"Their crimes against humanity over the COVID-19 pandemic are severe and mounting each minute. The world demands justice for the death and destruction they have caused and continue to cause," said Klayman, a former Justice Department prosecutor.

"The Chinese people are a good people, but the communist government is evil," he said. "They will have to answer not just to the Court, but also God."

The complaint names China, President Xi Jinping and others for allegedly developing the coronavirus and allowing it to escape from their labs.

"The ruthless communist Chinese regime, which persecutes and terrorizes its own people, must be held to account," Klayman said when the action was filed.

He previously sued China in U.S. federal court to pay for coronavirus damages.

"It is a criminal regime, which arrogantly shrugs off its criminal responsibility by blaming the United States and the rest of the free world. I call on lawyers in nations around the world to join our effort to punish the guilty and have them thrown in prison where they belong," Klayman said. "I also call on all persons of good intentions to join or follow and support our class action suit in Dallas, Texas, and I am actively amassing a team of lawyers to make sure that China, and not the American taxpayer, pay the bill for the human suffering and death which this rogue communist 'terrorist state' has caused. I am also assisting lawyers in other nations globally to bring similar legal actions."

The criminal complaint requests "that the prosecutors office of the International Criminal Court open an investigation to determine the origins of the COVID-19 virus including its likely release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the defendants' willful interference with attempts to fight the spread of the disease and develop treatments, tests, and a vaccine and once the facts alleged herein are confirmed to conduct criminal war crimes prosecutions to and try, convict and sentence to life imprisonment the defendants herein."

The complaint was submitted "in the matter of crimes against humanity and genocide by development of outlawed biological warfare weapons by the People's Republic of China."

Along with China and Xi,the suit names members of the politburo, the People's Liberation Army, the Wuhan Institute, the institute's Shi Zhengli and Chen Wei of the army.

It alleges the defendants "failed to prevent the Wuhan Institute of Virology's personnel from becoming infected with the bioweapon and then carrying the virus out into the surrounding community."

Such actions violated a number of international treaties, the complaint contends, including the "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons."

The complaint alleges, "COVID-19 was designed by China to be a very 'effective' and catastrophic biological warfare weapon to kill mass populations."

"The investigation that the ICC should undertake includes considering that biological weapons are rarely completely unfamiliar designs, but frequently are created by finding deadly diseases existing in nature, then refining them to become more deadly," the complaint says.

The accusations include "recklessly and wantonly" creating "an unreasonable risk of death."

The defendants, the complaint says, "each and every one of them criminally acting in concert jointly and severally, by their wonton and irresponsible recklessness and negligence, the public release and spread of COVID-19 has caused the citizens of the United States and the world to suffer illness, death, medical expenses, economic disruption and damage, loss of employment and other great losses."