International Women's Day - just a cover for Kenyan-Marxism Socialism?


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My friend Viktoriya is from Ukraine, and I just learned that International Women's Day - March 8 - is an official state holiday there, and apparently one of the more important holidays of the year. Apparently it is recognized as an official holiday in over 100 countries.

I must be totally out of the loop, because this holiday is only barely even known to me, and is certainly not recognized as an official holiday in the United States.

I do not know how accurate this assertion is, but it is claimed that an anathema to any whiff of socialism is the reason this event has never been elevated to official holiday status in the United States.

Why don't Americans celebrate International Women's Day?

The United States does not celebrate International Women’s Day because it is opposed to socialist ideas regardless of their merits. The idea was conceived during the Second International Conference of Socialist Women. Russian women celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8 in 1917, and their demonstrations that day set off the February Revolution. This date was made official by the USSR in recognition of women’s contribution to liberating Russians from monarchy. For this same reason, the United States is one of few states in the world which do not celebrate International Workers’ Day.

found on Quora dot com
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International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8 every year.[3] It commemorates the movement for women's rights.

While the first observance of a Women's Day was held on February 28, 1909 in New York, March 8 was suggested by the 1910 International Woman's Conference to become an "International Woman's Day." After women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia in 1917, March 8 became a national holiday there. The day was then predominantly celebrated by the socialist movement and communist countries until it was adopted in 1975 by the United Nations.


Its started out as a protest over the working conditions of women in the garment industry and became a suffragette movement.
International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8 every year.[3] It commemorates the movement for women's rights.

While the first observance of a Women's Day was held on February 28, 1909 in New York, March 8 was suggested by the 1910 International Woman's Conference to become an "International Woman's Day." After women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia in 1917, March 8 became a national holiday there. The day was then predominantly celebrated by the socialist movement and communist countries until it was adopted in 1975 by the United Nations.


Its started out as a protest over the working conditions of women in the garment industry and became a suffragette movement.
So to sum up, acknowledging and celebrating a holiday held in many other countries might make us socialist. lol

I guess I should not be surprised. Conservatives only begrudgingly even acknowledge labour day, and they certainly do not hold it in high esteem.
What are the odds they would have an affinity for an internationally-recognized holiday, purportedly started by socialist women? I would say slim to none!

“Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is therefore the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.”

-Abraham Lincoln
If the work place had stayed like it was in 1909.. we surely would have become a socialist country.
If the work place had stayed like it was in 1909.. we surely would have become a socialist country.

I think there is an argument to be made that FDR saved tempering and moderating its most unappealing and harmful extremes.......especially given that the onslaught of the Great Republican Depression, and the consequent world wide economic meltdown was the perfect storm for breeding the ubiquitous rising tides of both fascism and the socialism in the 1930s.
I think there is an argument to be made that FDR saved tempering and moderating its most unappealing and harmful extremes.......especially given that the onslaught of the Great Republican Depression, and the consequent world wide economic meltdown was the perfect storm for breeding the ubiquitous rising tides of both fascism and the socialism in the 1930s.

I agree with on FDR...........