A solution looking for a problem.
Is that so?
There is evidence that a female volleyball player, Payton McNabb, suffered a brain injury after being struck in the head by a ball spiked by a transgender athlete during a high school match in North Carolina in September 2022.
McNabb, then a senior at Hiwassee Dam High School, was hit during a game against Highlands High School. The incident caused a traumatic brain injury, including a concussion, a brain bleed, and long-term effects such as partial paralysis on her right side, loss of peripheral vision, memory issues, severe headaches, anxiety, and depression.
Video footage of the incident exists, showing her being knocked unconscious for about 30 seconds after the spike, which some reports estimate traveled at around 70 mph—described as unusually fast for a girls’ high school game.
McNabb’s account is supported by her testimony to the North Carolina legislature in April 2023, where she advocated for the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, which later passed, banning transgender athletes from female sports teams in the state at middle school, high school, and college levels. She has also detailed her ongoing recovery in a 2024 documentary,
Kill Shot: How Payton McNabb Turned Tragedy Into Triumph.
Let the record reflect that hugely hyper-hypocritical
@christiefan915 consents to men physically injuring girls, by her own standard:
silence means consent
"If you do not voice your objection to something, then it is assumed that you support it."
Definition of silence means consent in the Idioms Dictionary by The Free Dictionary