Interview with God

Since God would be omnipotent and omnipotent asking him what surprised him would be the most meaningless question ever. If it is the way it is its because he made it that way and if it pisses him off he can literally change everything in the universe he doesn't like with no effort at all.
Since God would be omnipotent and omnipotent asking him what surprised him would be the most meaningless question ever. If it is the way it is its because he made it that way and if it pisses him off he can literally change everything in the universe he doesn't like with no effort at all.

Actually, that's quite insightful~~~:cool:

I thought we had gotten past all of this, Mott. I mean, Billy's been willing to forgive and forget...

Also, you and USF need to get a room already!!

What's wrong??
Don't you have enough money for it??
Can you at least bring the beer??
why?....beautiful graphics....thoughtful comments on the human condition.....what more could you ask?....feel you could have better spent your time contemplating whether WM should be deported?......
"God" sure sounded like an old person complaining about the human condition without a memory.