iPhone Gun

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
I think this is the gun for me. The only drawback is there's no clip, so it only holds two rounds. Otherwise, it's awesome, and Chuck Schumer is spazzing out over it, which is a bonus. He can go fuck himself.


A Minnesota company called Ideal Conceal has invented a gun that folds to look like a cellphone. It's expected to go on sale next year for $395.
"Looks like a cellphone when folded up, but push the safety and you are ready to defend yourself" - that's how Ideal Conceal describes the gun concept, which is still pending a patent.
According Guns.com, the gun is a .380 derringer that holds two bullets. The prototype is expected in May.


I actually think it's safer than a normal gun, because the safety is on until it is armed. Frankly, living in the Seattle area, I only really need the two shots it contains, and, I love how easy it is to carry and conceal.
How awesome is it that this gun was invented, and is being manufactured, in Minnesota, given how that state is currently notorious for how its dentists handle firearms while on safari in Africa?
Any patriotic American would want to see this device banned. The creator should be declared a national enemy and executed to set an example to other traitors.