Iran Accuses the US of Faking Persian Gulf Video


The Force is With Me
Iran Accuses U.S. of Faking Persian Gulf Video
January 10, 2008

TEHRAN — Iran’s Revolutionary Guard accused the United States on Wednesday of fabricating video showing armed Iranian speedboats confronting United States Navy warships in the Persian Gulf over the weekend, according to a report carried by the semi-official Fars news agency as well as state-run television.


President Bush chastised Iran on Tuesday for committing a “provocative act.” On Wednesday, Stephen J. Hadley, Mr. Bush’s national security adviser, again warned Iran, saying at the start of a trip with Mr. Bush to the Middle East, that Iran has “to be very careful about this, because if it happens again, they are going to bear the consequences of that incident.”

The unnamed Revolutionary Guard official asserted that the video had been released to coincide with Mr. Bush’s trip and “was in line with a project of the Western media to create fear.” The official said the sounds and the images on the video did not go together. “It is very clear that they are fake,” the official said.

The video and audio were recorded separately and then matched, Naval and Pentagon officials said Tuesday.

The episode took place Sunday in the strategic Strait of Hormuz and was initially described by American officials on Monday.

more at link ..

It seems we've been down this road before.

You are such a moron BAC...did this type of incident with the Iranian Guard not happen last year?...The British Sailors and Marines...paraded on International TV...Just so happens the US Navy locked and loaded...the Whimpy Iranian Guard exited stage right...give this propoganda a rest already!
If you believe Iran “harassed” US ships, you have forgotten USS Vincennes

The US navy claimed yesterday that Iranian fast boats harassed them in the Straits of Hormuz. On July 3, 1988, USS Vinceness shot down Iran Air Flight 655 (IR655) killing 290 innocent civilian from six nations including 66 children.

The US navy initially claimed that they mistakenly identified the passenger liner as an Iranian fighter, and denied that they were not inside Iranian territorial waters.

But the official ICAO investigation found that the US Navy guided missile cruiser’s attempts to contact Iran Air 655 were sent on the wrong frequency and addressed to a non-existent "Iranian F-14".

US government’s own investigations found that both IR655 and the USS Vincennes were inside Iranian territorial waters at the time of the attack.

Instead of admitting its mistake and issuing an apology, the US Government the people responsible for the atrocity were awarded medals for "heroic achievement".

"The U.S. has a long history of sailing into Iranian waters and otherwise provoking Iran," Journalist Reese Erlich , the author the news book The Iran Agenda: The Real Story of U.S. Policy and the Middle East Crisis said. "Remember on July 3, 1988, the USS Vincennes shot down an unarmed Iranian passenger plane and the U.S. tried to cover up the incident. In that context, the U.S. version of events must be carefully examined. It seems highly unlikely that Iran planned to blow up U.S. naval ships and precipitate a major incident or even war. If the U.S. attempts to make propaganda points based on the incident, it will reflect a new truculence coming out of Washington."
Ahhh, the battle of two liars... who to believe. One claims Iran is provoking us and the other is saying 'nuh-uh, you're a liar'. I honestly think that Iran would provoke us, they hate us, and know that we won't have world backing in ANOTHER war. Hell, we won't have US backing in another war. They don't hate us for our freedoms though, so if I hear that line one more time I'm gonna go off.
Iran Accuses U.S. of Faking Persian Gulf Video
January 10, 2008

TEHRAN — Iran’s Revolutionary Guard accused the United States on Wednesday of fabricating video showing armed Iranian speedboats confronting United States Navy warships in the Persian Gulf over the weekend, according to a report carried by the semi-official Fars news agency as well as state-run television.


President Bush chastised Iran on Tuesday for committing a “provocative act.” On Wednesday, Stephen J. Hadley, Mr. Bush’s national security adviser, again warned Iran, saying at the start of a trip with Mr. Bush to the Middle East, that Iran has “to be very careful about this, because if it happens again, they are going to bear the consequences of that incident.”

The unnamed Revolutionary Guard official asserted that the video had been released to coincide with Mr. Bush’s trip and “was in line with a project of the Western media to create fear.” The official said the sounds and the images on the video did not go together. “It is very clear that they are fake,” the official said.

The video and audio were recorded separately and then matched, Naval and Pentagon officials said Tuesday.

The episode took place Sunday in the strategic Strait of Hormuz and was initially described by American officials on Monday.

more at link ..

It seems we've been down this road before.

You know, I was thinking Gulf of Tonkin, when I first heard about this.

Who to believe? I hate not being able to believe my own government; and I'm sure the government of Iran is not the most trustworthy source.

But, I kept remembering those reports that came out, about how Bush wanted to paint american fighter planes, with UN colors, and fly them over iraq to create "an incident" back in 2003.
Ahhh, the battle of two liars... who to believe. One claims Iran is provoking us and the other is saying 'nuh-uh, you're a liar'. I honestly think that Iran would provoke us, they hate us, and know that we won't have world backing in ANOTHER war. Hell, we won't have US backing in another war. They don't hate us for our freedoms though, so if I hear that line one more time I'm gonna go off.

I don't see them provoking us. Bush wants war with Iran so bad he can taste it. You saw how upset Bush became when it became public that Iran was NOT pursuing a nuclear weapons program. It was actually bad news to him because it took away one of his pretexts for war. And a few weeks later, poof! The Iranians are provoking us? Did you hear the guy on the tape? I don't buy it for a second that a couple of Iranian speed boats would provoke an American convoy and threaten to blow them up over the radio.

Bush wants war with Iran far more than Iran wants war with the US. I don't put it past them to fabricate this shit at all. And if it was fabricated, that should be no less than treason.
You know, I was thinking Gulf of Tonkin, when I first heard about this.

Yup that is what I thought and we all know now that Gulf of Tonkin was faked. I'm not saying this is fake but we need to be careful before believing our govt. blindly.

If you believe Iran “harassed” US ships, you have forgotten USS Vincennes

The US navy claimed yesterday that Iranian fast boats harassed them in the Straits of Hormuz. On July 3, 1988, USS Vinceness shot down Iran Air Flight 655 (IR655) killing 290 innocent civilian from six nations including 66 children.

The US navy initially claimed that they mistakenly identified the passenger liner as an Iranian fighter, and denied that they were not inside Iranian territorial waters.

But the official ICAO investigation found that the US Navy guided missile cruiser’s attempts to contact Iran Air 655 were sent on the wrong frequency and addressed to a non-existent "Iranian F-14".

US government’s own investigations found that both IR655 and the USS Vincennes were inside Iranian territorial waters at the time of the attack.

Instead of admitting its mistake and issuing an apology, the US Government the people responsible for the atrocity were awarded medals for "heroic achievement".

"The U.S. has a long history of sailing into Iranian waters and otherwise provoking Iran," Journalist Reese Erlich , the author the news book The Iran Agenda: The Real Story of U.S. Policy and the Middle East Crisis said. "Remember on July 3, 1988, the USS Vincennes shot down an unarmed Iranian passenger plane and the U.S. tried to cover up the incident. In that context, the U.S. version of events must be carefully examined. It seems highly unlikely that Iran planned to blow up U.S. naval ships and precipitate a major incident or even war. If the U.S. attempts to make propaganda points based on the incident, it will reflect a new truculence coming out of Washington."

Mr.Putin wannabe...Iran has a history(The radical Islam Mullahs that is) of provoking a fight even sacraficing innocent citizens for their ultimate goal...suicide bombers...innocent civilian AC etc...give it a rest already...just move to the USSR and join el Putin already...then I could respect your decision to support your real country of choice!;)
I don't see them provoking us. Bush wants war with Iran so bad he can taste it. You saw how upset Bush became when it became public that Iran was NOT pursuing a nuclear weapons program. It was actually bad news to him because it took away one of his pretexts for war. And a few weeks later, poof! The Iranians are provoking us? Did you hear the guy on the tape? I don't buy it for a second that a couple of Iranian speed boats would provoke an American convoy and threaten to blow them up over the radio.

Bush wants war with Iran far more than Iran wants war with the US. I don't put it past them to fabricate this shit at all. And if it was fabricated, that should be no less than treason.

I wouldn't put it past either one to fabricate things. We here in the states have grown accustomed to Bush fabricating shit. We already know he's a liar. I do remember the story coming out earlier this week though that Iran did admit to the speedboats pursueing them, and I wouldn't doubt they did threaten them. Iran knows we don't believe jack shit our president says, just accuse him of lieing and you are free and clear.. lol
I like you elbeefy...........

I don't see them provoking us. Bush wants war with Iran so bad he can taste it. You saw how upset Bush became when it became public that Iran was NOT pursuing a nuclear weapons program. It was actually bad news to him because it took away one of his pretexts for war. And a few weeks later, poof! The Iranians are provoking us? Did you hear the guy on the tape? I don't buy it for a second that a couple of Iranian speed boats would provoke an American convoy and threaten to blow them up over the radio.

Bush wants war with Iran far more than Iran wants war with the US. I don't put it past them to fabricate this shit at all. And if it was fabricated, that should be no less than treason.

But you really need to cut back on the mai ties and grass...your mind is in a fog lately!
The USA Fake Stuff ???

Sure and next you will tell me the WMD's and such in Iraq were lies ?

I say the next time we blow them out of the water and collect the remains as evidence that it was them. That way nobody can spout of more of these silly conspiracy theories.
So let's get this down:

1. I'm concerned about the safety of US soldiers, and if our enemy has to die, then so be it.
2. You say "Fuck America".

Have I got that right?

No. I think I've identified your problems though. First, you can't read. Second, you lack pop culture awareness. Third, you can't read. And fourth, you're ignorant on most matters on which you opine. Oh, and you seem to be a conservative retread from circa 2003.
Nolo contender el beefy...........

MY mind is in a fog? We should have a vote, who's mind is in more of a fog, me or you. I'll start the thread. :)

yours for sure...ya are the one jumping up and down for RP...not I...and the surge is a workin'...and Iran is the enemy(The Mullahs)...and we can clean house in Pakistan..and John McCain made a come back...and Hillary is a jerk...and Edwards will kick her butt along with Obama...and Duncan Hunter was right along with Tancredo...and Huckabee is above and behond RP...and Chuck Norris can kick your butt... John Denver sang country songs...on and on need I really say more?...I can if so inclined!...:cof1:
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