Iran Warns


JPP Modarater
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- If the United States were to attack Iran, the country would respond by striking U.S. interests all over the world, Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Thursday.

This is comforting. I can honestly say that we were much better off with Saddam in power.
I'm actually getting worried about the Iran situation. Clearly Ahned....whatever is a power hungry fascist. I also don't think he'd necessarily be a threat had we not gone into Iraq for various reasons. At the end of the day, his embolden stance can be directly attributed to failed US foreign policy over the last few years, however what do you do with the monster we've created?
"He and Bush in a one on one with baseball bats ?"

IF ONLY our world leaders would solve things in this manner in preference to war. Let the idiots in charge fight to the death, then shoot the winner. Perhaps then diplomacy will become more important to the politicians.
Yep MR bring em on should be leading the troops like the kings of old.
And if a draft, all politicians eligable children go first.
Or how about a good game of chess? Let them settle over a game of 2 out of 3... who do you think would win between Bush Jr. and Khamenei? Hmm... On second thought ...Bush Jr. better send Cheney in by proxy ... ;)
Bush helped get this nut elected.
Iran has had for a long time an emerging youth who want more freedom in there country.

Bushs hard stupid stance and the Iraq war help Armindinajad get elected
Bush has proven to be a big promoter of islamofasism and terrorism. Bin Laden could not have found a better promoter for his cause than george boy.