

MSNBC is reporting that the Iranian President has announced he is going to release the hostages.

That will be a big relief.
They posted the whole story now. Complete with Ahmadinejad ranting about women being kept where they belong; in the kitchen, barefoot, and ideally, knocked up. Of course, American leftists are big allies of this guy. Big time baby!

Iran to free seized British sailors
Ahmadinejad says 15 sailors, marines to be released as a 'gift' to U.K.
The Associated Press
Updated: 9:22 a.m. ET April 4, 2007
TEHRAN, Iran - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced Wednesday that his government would release the detained 15 British sailors and marines as a gift to the British people.

He pardoned the sailors and announced their release minutes after he gave medals of honor to the Iranian coast guards who intercepted the sailors and marines, saying Iran will never accept trespassing of its territorial waters.

"On behalf of the great Iranian people, I want to thank the Iranian Coast Guard who courageously defended and captured those who violated their territorial waters, the president told a press conference.

He then interrupted his speech and pinned medals on the chests of three Coast Guard officers involved in capturing the British sailors and marines in the northern Gulf on March 23.

"We are sorry that British troops remain in Iraq and their sailors are being arrested in Iran," Ahmadinejad said.

He criticized Britain for deploying Leading Seaman Faye Turney, one of the 15 detainees, in the Gulf, pointing out that she is a woman with a child.
Great PR for him in his country. But I think we all knew he was going to let them go.
They posted the whole story now. Complete with Ahmadinejad ranting about women being kept where they belong; in the kitchen, barefoot, and ideally, knocked up. Of course, American leftists are big allies of this guy. Big time baby!

Baptists ? That was one outcome of their national convention.
They posted the whole story now. Complete with Ahmadinejad ranting about women being kept where they belong; in the kitchen, barefoot, and ideally, knocked up. Of course, American leftists are big allies of this guy. Big time baby!

Baptists ? That was one outcome of their national convention.

LOL! Yes, they've all been converted, and you can't even tell the difference!
Of course, American leftists are big allies of this guy. Big time baby!

Don't know any American one but I know one of the most prominents leftists in the world is. Hugo Chavez seems to be pretty friendly with Ahmadinejad. I think he is buying into the whole enemy of my enemy is my friend idea.
Of course, American leftists are big allies of this guy. Big time baby!

Don't know any American one but I know one of the most prominents leftists in the world is. Hugo Chavez seems to be pretty friendly with Ahmadinejad. I think he is buying into the whole enemy of my enemy is my friend idea.

True, but Chavez has his own problems. I don't consider myself allied with him either.
Of course, American leftists are big allies of this guy. Big time baby!

Don't know any American one but I know one of the most prominents leftists in the world is. Hugo Chavez seems to be pretty friendly with Ahmadinejad. I think he is buying into the whole enemy of my enemy is my friend idea.

Hugo is just following in an american tradition. We once supported Sadam, and ignored his use of WMD's on Iran....
Many other examples in our history.
Great PR for him in his country. But I think we all knew he was going to let them go.

hosebag odonnell sure didn't. she spent the last couple of days shooting her load moth all and now the result is that what little credibility she had is now in the toilet.