Iranian protesters save two from the gallows; then they're shot at and some die


Shocking Video– Iranian Protesters Save Prisoners from Hanging in Sirjan & Attack Police Truck — Regime Thugs Shoot Down Protesters
Sunday, December 27, 2009, 12:23 AM
Jim Hoft
Iranian protesters in Sirjan rescued two prisoners being hanged by the brutal regime. They rushed the Iranian officials smashed up their truck and cut the prisoners down.
Doug Ross posted photos of the prisoners being rescued.
The regime called in assistance and shot and killed a number of protesters.

This young man was shot in the groin by the killer regime and is bleeding profusely.
In this amazing video the protesters rescue the prisoners and then are shot at by the regime:

The Western media reported that the prisoners were rescued by relatives but it looks more like the whole town helped with the rescue. The Western media also said that the regime shot dead two “gunmen” but the only ones with guns in the video are the regime thugs.
NCR-Iran reported on the the prisoner rescue.
On Tuesday, December 22, the scene of a public hanging of two prisoners, Esmail Fathi-Zadeh and Mohammad Esfandiarpoor, in Sirjan turned into a confrontation between protesting people and the suppressive forces. Local residents and families of the two prisoners confronted the suppressive forces by hurling stones and chanting slogans.
During the clashes yesterday morning, people took advantage of the chaos and removed the prisoners from the scene set up for their hangings. According to earlier reports on Tuesday, one of the prisoners was thought to have been killed.
Having lost the control of the situation, the suppressive forces mobilized more of their agents across the city and re-captured the two prisoners and brought them back to the hanging ropes.
Local residents were angered by the regime’s henchmen and became more fierce in their protest against the hangings. In fear of the escalation of unrest, the suppressive forces opened fire on defenseless people killing at least five and dozens more were wounded. A number of the wounded were taken to hospitals in Kerman, the provincial capital. Some of the wounded are in critical state. A group of local residents and families of the two have been arrested. During the clashes, a number of vehicles belonging to the suppressive forces were set on fire.

A protester lays lifeless in the street after the regime shot him dead in Sirjan.
The Obama Administration was not available for comment.
Keep it up people, and keep the news flowing. I only hope that over time you will be successful.
more on this from gatewaypundit..

Evil Khamenei Regime Thugs in Trucks Run Over Protesters in the Street (Video)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 11:49 AM
Jim Hoft
This was awful.
The evil Khamenei regime thugs are running over freedom protesters in trucks.
[ame=""]YouTube- MUST SEE زیر کردن مردم با ماشین توسط مزدوران نیروی انتظامی[/ame]

some links and more at..
why don't the Iranian people have firearms?
I hear from Watermark that they are one of the "enlightened" that makes it so that the government is armed and the citizens aren't. That saves them from being murdered by a citizen before the government can do it. Nobody is allowed to steal the government's victims.
I hear from Watermark that they are one of the "enlightened" that makes it so that the government is armed and the citizens aren't. That saves them from being murdered by a citizen before the government can do it. Nobody is allowed to steal the government's victims.
