Iranian Troubles


This is why I believe it's a very bad idea to have ships and men gathering around the Iranian borders. I expect Iran will release them post hasty, but who knows.

Thank God it's not American soldiers, because we can be certain that the cool heads of the American people would prevail as they screamed, within two minutes of hearing the news "Nuke The Bastards".

The Associated Press
Updated: 9:30 a.m. ET March 23, 2007
LONDON - Iranian naval vessels seized 15 British sailors who had boarded a ship suspected of smuggling cars in the Persian Gulf off the Iraqi coast on Friday, officials said.

The British government demanded “the immediate and safe return of our people and equipment.”

The British Navy personnel were “engaged in routine boarding operations of merchant shipping in Iraqi territorial waters,” and had completed a ship inspection when they were accosted by Iranian vessels, Britain’s Defense Ministry said.

“We are urgently pursuing this matter with the Iranian authorities at the highest level and ... the Iranian ambassador has been summoned to the Foreign Office,” the ministry said.

The seizure comes at a time of rising tensions between Iran and the West, which accuses the Islamic republic of violating a U.N. calls for it to halt uranium enrichment and open its nuclear program for inspection. It also comes amid U.S. accusations that Iran is funding and arming Shiite militias in Iraq, worsening sectarian tensions there.

U.S. fleet strengthened in area
The United States, Britain’s chief ally, has built up its naval forces in the Gulf in a show of strength directed at Iran. Two American carriers, including the USS John C. Stennis — backed by a strike group with more than 6,500 sailors and Marines and with additional minesweeping ships — arrived in the region in recent months, ratcheting up tensions with Iran.

Full Story
Tickling the dragons tail will get ya burned.

imho this type of thing is exactly what Bush / Israel is hoping for more of to justify actions agains Iran.
LONDON - Iranian naval vessels seized 15 British sailors who had boarded a ship suspected of smuggling cars in the Persian Gulf off the Iraqi coast on Friday, officials said.

Why the hell aren't the iraqis themselves patrolling their own waters? Why are the Brits doing this for them?

We're into year five of Bush's war. How hard is it to give the iraqis some river patrol boats, some light arms, and train them how to use it?

I could probably be trained to run a river patrol boat, and use an AK-47 in about three weeks.
Darla.... the British were in Iraqi waters. Are you suggesting that the waters not be patrolled for smugglers?

Why are they, or we, doing that in the first place? I thought we had an elected government in Iraq now? And what I'm saying superfreak, is that this military buildup around Iran, with our ships there, is a bad incident waiting to happen. And we know that. That's why we're there. That's what I'm saying.