Iraq Death Toll Rivals Rwanda Genocide


Will work for Scooby snacks
Don't tell me its lefty garbage. Pro-war hacks have been wrong about almost everything.

Iraq Death Toll Rivals Rwanda Genocide, Cambodian Killing Fields

Posted September 17, 2007.

A new study estimates that 1.2 million Iraqis have met violent deaths since Bush and Cheney chose to invade

According to a new study, 1.2 million Iraqis have met violent deaths since the 2003 invasion, the highest estimate of war-related fatalities yet. The study was done by the British polling firm ORB, which conducted face-to-face interviews with a sample of over 1,700 Iraqi adults in 15 of Iraq's 18 provinces. Two provinces -- al-Anbar and Karbala -- were too dangerous to canvas, and officials in a third, Irbil, didn't give the researchers a permit to do their work. The study's margin of error was plus-minus 2.4 percent.
It's from a polling agency, I don't see what left or right has to do with it?

the polling agency is apolitical.

The history on this board, and fullpolitics, is that bush voters have been in full denial, and we've argued for years, about comprehensive casualty estimates like Lancet.
the polling agency is apolitical.

The history on this board, and fullpolitics, is that bush voters have been in full denial, and we've argued for years, about comprehensive casualty estimates like Lancet.

These people did a poll that estimates the number of deaths. Why should I or why should I not believe it? Does this polling group have a history or being accurate or inaccurate?