Iraq Death Toll

"fake unproven numbers of civilian deaths "

Actually the study's author's explicity state how they came up with the numbers:

"Their conclusion, based on interviews of households and not a body count, is that about 600,000 died from violence, mostly gunfire. They also found a small increase in deaths from other causes like heart disease and cancer. "

Its based on a survey of households. I'd be skeptical of that number because without body counts, I think it may be hard to weed out multiple counts of people, lost translation and people that are just lying. Although, I'm 99.9999% certain the number is way more than the 40-50K range I've seen in other official reports.
My point is that this is an unfounded, useless story released as factual before an election. SLIME
My point is that this is an unfounded, useless story released as factual before an election. SLIME
You just hate the fact that your slime-puppy president has made Iraq a worse place than even Saddam Hussein did.

Whine and complain all you want to, Bushlicker: even the lowest estimates make the post invasion Iraq worse for most Iraqis than Saddam's government was.
I don't think it is worse that is your opinon. But even if it is worse, that doesn't mean you can lie about the facts. This is why you can't trust the liberals.
Oh please like one report is representative of liberal thinking everywhere. Perhaps I should say I should not trust any conservatives because of the missing WMD or Mark Foley.
Ihate you have a small point. but many libs still quote the disproved Lancet figures of 100,000 deaths. A lie that keeps on giving for the libs. But wait and see this number will be all over the MSM in the coming weeks, dispite the fact that it is so flawed as to be useless.
CNN just used this report as a valid research poll!!!! How shamefull and proves the point about CNN's liberal agenda. They have the nerve to put this crap on as valid factual information.
Poor toby, my main man, you need a little education, using the research as a basis for a story is not in and of itself proof of anything other than the media outlet is aware of the research. Condemning a media outlet for this awareness is irresponsible in the extreme. Certainly toby, my main man, you are not suggesting outright censorship or prior restraint, because the Supreme Court has ruled those tactics un-constitutional on several occasions. But, while I agree that noone and certainly none of us, including my main man, toby, can say with any degree of certainty just what the civilian death toll in Iraq is, I think this report at least gives some credence to the John McLaughlin numbers of over 140,000 that you took such strong exception to when I under-estimated them by nearly 40,000. You really want this to be a war where no one gets hurt, except Americans, and that's truly a laudible sentiment, but sorry toby, my main man, that isn't the way war works, another 60 Iraqis were found dead on the streets of Baghdad this morning.
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Do you think death figures from another agency would give them more validity.....say the International Red Cross or UNICEF or something ?

Would they be more believable....
Do you think death figures from another agency would give them more validity.....say the International Red Cross or UNICEF or something ?

Would they be more believable....

No because they rely on official sources such as the Baghdad morgue. But I still think that many of the people who have been killed in Iraq haven't made it to the Baghdad morgue or any other morgue.
So ..... you're saying the IRC and UNICEF are at least bodies actually counted....but they would be lower I read that fairly....?
I find myself in the rare position of agreeing with an extent. I think his point is that the numbers are being inflated and then politicized. I think they are too. One difference between us might be (though I'll admit, I haven't asked him) is that I don't think it would be any different if the shoe were on the other foot.
The major funder of the new study was the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

enough said....
600,000 Iraqis dead by violence since US invasion

More than 600,000 Iraqis have died by violence since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, according to a study released today by researchers at Johns Hopkins Univ. The figure is based on surveys of households throughout most of the country. It vastly exceeds estimates cited by the Iraqi government, the United Nations, aid and anti-war groups, and Bush.

More at link...
Only 600,000 to 655,000

I guess our bombs aren't as good as they once were...

When I was dropping bombs in Japan during WWII for McNamara... that's about how many women and children we killed....

I guess they don't make 'em, like they used to.