APP - Iraq invasion illegal, Foreign Office law chief tells Chilcot inquiry

HAHAHAHA, we'll be hearing this 50 years from now. Give it a rest.

Why should I, because you say so? Bush and Blair went to war illegally and they need to be held to account. If you don't like it, then piss off.

The trouble with the many US admins is that they start wars, fail to learn the lessons and then repeat the same mistakes later. Thank fuck McCain didn't get his hands on the levers of power otherwise Iran would have been added to the list.
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Why should I, because you say so? Bush and Blair went to war illegally and they need to be held to account. If you don't like it, then piss off.

The trouble with the many US admins is that they start wars, fail to learn the lessons and then repeat the same mistakes later. Thank fuck McCain didn't get his hands on the levers of power otherwise Iran would have been added to the list.

The British were wrong for invading a whole slew of countries and making them subjects of the crown.

Britian should have to pay Trillions in damages to all of those countries.

When your government gets completes that, they we'll listen to your complaining about outs. :good4u:

Until then; you can take a farthing, shine it up, turn it sideways, and shove it up your ass.
The British were wrong for invading a whole slew of countries and making them subjects of the crown.

Britian should have to pay Trillions in damages to all of those countries.

When your government gets completes that, they we'll listen to your complaining about outs. :good4u:

Until then; you can take a farthing, shine it up, turn it sideways, and shove it up your ass.

We will do that after you pay reparations for all the wars you've started and vile governments you've propped up over the years. You could start with the millions killed in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos and move on to the regimes of Chile, Guatemala, Paraguay, Haiti, Nicaragua and Indonesia to name a few.
Why should I, because you say so? Bush and Blair went to war illegally and they need to be held to account. If you don't like it, then piss off.

The trouble with the many US admins is that they start wars, fail to learn the lessons and then repeat the same mistakes later. Thank fuck McCain didn't get his hands on the levers of power otherwise Iran would have been added to the list.

Bush and Blair, huh...maybe you need to brush up on history a mite...

Contributions from Coalition member nations range from: direct military participation, logistical and intelligence support, specialized chemical/biological response teams, over-flight rights, humanitarian and reconstruction aid, to political support.

Forty-nine countries are publicly committed to the Coalition, including:

Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Marshall Islands
Solomon Islands
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States
We will do that after you pay reparations for all the wars you've started and vile governments you've propped up over the years. You could start with the millions killed in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos and move on to the regimes of Chile, Guatemala, Paraguay, Haiti, Nicaragua and Indonesia to name a few.

You go first; because after all, you've been around and invading countries a lot longer then we have and the British are the reason there were slaves in the new world.
Why should I, because you say so? Bush and Blair went to war illegally and they need to be held to account. If you don't like it, then piss off.

The trouble with the many US admins is that they start wars, fail to learn the lessons and then repeat the same mistakes later. Thank fuck McCain didn't get his hands on the levers of power otherwise Iran would have been added to the list.

You mean instead of our allies in Pakistan?

By the way, are these War Crimes Tribunals going to include Obama? He sent another 20k troops to Iraq, continuing the "unjust and illegal" war, so I think he needs to be held accountable as well.
You mean instead of our allies in Pakistan?

By the way, are these War Crimes Tribunals going to include Obama? He sent another 20k troops to Iraq, continuing the "unjust and illegal" war, so I think he needs to be held accountable as well.

Agreed, although you don't really mean it. You prefer using those 20 thousand young american lives as a pawn in your political football game. I would have preferred it if you cared all along.
Agreed, although you don't really mean it. You prefer using those 20 thousand young american lives as a pawn in your political football game. I would have preferred it if you cared all along.

Not really. You can THINK you know what I would prefer, but you are a clueless idiot, so it doesn't really matter what you think.

When Obama embarked on his month-long sabbatical to decide what course to take in Iraq, I said publicly then, that I hoped he would immediately withdraw... that's what he said he was going to do at one time... and with his liberal exec order regarding terms of engagement, I felt it was far too dangerous for our boys to be over there. You can't try to fight a war and be worrying about marandizing your captives! If we aren't going to fight the war with alQaeda to win it, I had rather us surrender and withdraw from it completely, it's not worth the loss of one more American life, if we are committed to defeat. And make no mistake, setting timelines and giving them constitutional rights and due process, is committed to defeat.
The British were wrong for invading a whole slew of countries and making them subjects of the crown.

Britian should have to pay Trillions in damages to all of those countries.

When your government gets completes that, they we'll listen to your complaining about outs. :good4u:

Until then; you can take a farthing, shine it up, turn it sideways, and shove it up your ass.[/QUOTE

Remember when Clinton was charged with war crimes?
LOL! you guys crack me up! Your the biggest imperialist, no you are, no you are. LOL

Is the fact that Iraq is an illegal war any kind of new news? LOL!!

Where ya been for the last few years?
The British were wrong for invading a whole slew of countries and making them subjects of the crown.

Britian should have to pay Trillions in damages to all of those countries.

When your government gets completes that, they we'll listen to your complaining about outs. :good4u:

Until then; you can take a farthing, shine it up, turn it sideways, and shove it up your ass.[/QUOTE

Remember when Clinton was charged with war crimes?

The British Empire was the most benign of all the empires, compared to the Spanish, Portuguese, Belgian, German, Dutch and French versions. We left, for the most part, fully functioning democracies. I doubt that you can name one of the other imperial powers that can claim anything close to that.
The British Empire was the most benign of all the empires, compared to the Spanish, Portuguese, Belgian, German, Dutch and French versions. We left, for the most part, fully functioning democracies. I doubt that you can name one of the other imperial powers that can claim anything close to that.
i'm sure the scottish and irish would agree.....:palm: