Iraq war and the dems


a member named bob
So do any of you think that there will ever ba an invesigation into the iraq war as a whole... i mean the left basicly ran and won an election saing that its an illeagle war and unjustified... all i see happening is the left wanting to just pull out our troops and be done with iraq.

someone want too enlighten me ?
Oh I fiugre there will be some investigations into allegations of corruption and war profiteering. As to an investigation about bush's real intentions and Iraq, I am not so sure that will be investigated. Although I feel our country and the world needs it to come out.
Not me....

So do any of you think that there will ever ba an invesigation into the iraq war as a whole... i mean the left basicly ran and won an election saing that its an illeagle war and unjustified... all i see happening is the left wanting to just pull out our troops and be done with iraq.

someone want too enlighten me ?

This whole issue is dejavue...remberance back to my VN era service...the hippy's are at it again...Good news is they will die someday along with this vet and maybe then our country will get back on track...dunno!
I think that this administration should be investigated as to their continued assurances that they knew exactly where Saddam's WMD's were and that there was NO DOUBT that he had an active WMD program to go along with his tons and tons of stockpiles.... I think that this president should be called to account for his continued - and successful - attempts to convince the US public that Saddam had a hand in 9/11. I think their rush to war, when they had already scored a diplomatic victory by getting Saddam to accept UN weapons inspectors back, is only a rational decision if they felt that they needed to get into Iraq before Blix told us that the WMD argument - Bush's biggest - was bogus.

We have 25 THOUSAND dead and wounded Americans.... we have flushed a half a trillion dollars down the shitter.... to just expect to be able to say, "Whoops" and get away with causing that level of carnage and that nearly unimaginable level of waste is crazy.

If Clinton had done this, I would be demanding HIS impeachment, and I am a yellow dog democrat!
This whole issue is dejavue...remberance back to my VN era service...the hippy's are at it again...Good news is they will die someday along with this vet and maybe then our country will get back on track...dunno!

Do you consider the actions of the Bush regime to be America 'on track'?
If it were a crime, Bush should be charged with unwitting treason, the same unwitting treason that we should have charged Chamberlain with after WWII....
Do you think maybe you can wait until they actually get in office to see what they do?

why wait? whats wrong with getting a head start... and to tell you the truth it dosnt sound like there will be any investigation IMO