Iraq war planners forecast only 5,000 GIs in '06


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Iraq war planners forecast only 5,000 GIs in '06
Top generals envisioned stability, democracy after Saddam's ouster

WASHINGTON - Some of the planning by Gen. Tommy Franks and other top military officials before the 2003 invasion of Iraq envisioned that as few as 5,000 U.S. troops would remain in Iraq by December 2006, according to documents obtained by a private research organization.
yet another example of the profound incompetence of the Bush administration and the republicans who support it.
they figure there would only be 5k left in iraq; but they dind't tell you they fguredt he other 120k would be in iran by now!
Wait a second! If they were predicting that few there, it begins to sound as if there actually was an exit strategy. One that didn't work, but certainly it must have existed. Hmmm... Maybe a strategy isn't the only thing you need for successful military excursions....
Naah, not an exit strategy, Bush figured that was all he would need to keep the country secure by then. Considering the flowers thrown in our paths and no causualties.....