Iraq was the right decision, but the Iraqi people blew it!


New member
This is the new one, with Bill O'Reilly in the lead. It's something he repeats just about every day now, and it's starting to take root among the Bushies. It's a classic "get out of jail free" card, and requires no accountability.

Here's how it works: We invade a country where the people have been ruled by a strong-armed dictator for pretty much their entire lives, and know nothing of democracy. We remove that dictator, destroy much of the infrastructure and leave a power vacuum that creates conditions for a civil war. We invite terrorists to fight us there with a taunt of "bring 'em on," and essentially make the country "the front" in the war on terror. Terrorists respond accordingly, and routinely round up random citizens in the middle of the night to torture & kill.

And the Iraqi people? Why, they're supposed to rise up & take the reigns of their fledgling "democracy," of course. They're supposed to ignore overwhelming risk to their lives & the lives of their families, and take advantage of this wonderful gift that the mighty U.S. has chosen to bestow upon them.

How could they not get that right?
Yeah, this is the evolution of the "No Spin (LOL)" game.

Fuck Bill O'Reilly and his fat ego. He'd rather see countless more American troops die and get maimed than finally admit that we should get out of that death trap.

But remember, this fat headed cocksucker who has helped enable the Bush Administration to kill countless Americans and innocent civilians in Iraq, is "looking out for you". Fuck him.
I remember when he said, "Al Franken needs to catch a bullet between his brain." I thought that was pretty funny.
Umm could not the same O'Liely philosophy be applied to the American Indians or many other situations in history ?

Just blame shifting for those who refuse to accept personal responsibility.
This is the new one, with Bill O'Reilly in the lead. It's something he repeats just about every day now, and it's starting to take root among the Bushies. It's a classic "get out of jail free" card, and requires no accountability.

Here's how it works: We invade a country where the people have been ruled by a strong-armed dictator for pretty much their entire lives, and know nothing of democracy. We remove that dictator, destroy much of the infrastructure and leave a power vacuum that creates conditions for a civil war. We invite terrorists to fight us there with a taunt of "bring 'em on," and essentially make the country "the front" in the war on terror. Terrorists respond accordingly, and routinely round up random citizens in the middle of the night to torture & kill.

And the Iraqi people? Why, they're supposed to rise up & take the reigns of their fledgling "democracy," of course. They're supposed to ignore overwhelming risk to their lives & the lives of their families, and take advantage of this wonderful gift that the mighty U.S. has chosen to bestow upon them.

How could they not get that right?

Oh Yeah, I've heard Falafel-man use the "blame the Iraqis, NOT Bush!" talking point for a couple months now.

You know what else I've been noticing? The GOP base is basically saying that its the media and the american people's fault that were not winning the war. Evidently they think if they can just package the war with the correct messaging, the american people will come back on board. There was a town forum with McCain on Cspan, and some dude in the audience asked if McCain would be more aggressive about challenging and using the MSM to sell the war.