

If you read this, you get the idea that no matter what happens, we're going to stay in Iraq, with a reduced troop level, for many years to come. This reduced troop level, will take our troops from 160 thousand, to 100 thousand. Big deal. And does this mean we are going to pull back our troops from the most dangerous places in Iraq, but increase our bombing campaigns? Basically assuming (and I fear rightly so) that as long as Americans are no longer dying in any significant number over there, the American people won't care how many civilians we are killing, and in fact, the msm will barely report on it anyway?

I wonder then, what is the point of anti-war activities. Nobody really cares.

Bush Plans To Stress Next Phase In Iraq War
GOP Dissent Spurs Change In Message but Not Course

By Peter Baker and Karen DeYoung
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, July 10, 2007; A01

President Bush, facing a growing Republican revolt against his Iraq policy, has rejected calls to change course but will launch a campaign emphasizing his intent to draw down U.S. forces next year and move toward a more limited mission if security conditions improve, senior officials said yesterday.

Top administration officials have begun talking with key Senate Republicans to walk them through his view of the next phase in the war, beyond the troop increase he announced six months ago today. Bush plans to lay out what an aide called "his vision for the post-surge" starting in Cleveland today to assure the nation that he, too, wants to begin bringing troops home eventually.

The White House devised the political strategy after days of intense internal discussions about how to respond to several prominent Republican senators who have broken with Bush's war policy recently. Bush decided against heeding their proposal to begin redeploying U.S. troops as early as this summer, but he and his team concluded that he needed to shift his message to show that he shares the goals of his increasingly restless Republican caucus and the broader public.

"Look, the president understands the American people are frustrated," said a senior official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid upstaging Bush. "We've been at this a long time. We've sacrificed some of our best and brightest. . . . But they want to see that we have a vision for success that will allow us to gradually downsize our role and reduce our footprint. The president needs to and wants to remind everybody that he shares that frustration."

To do that, Bush intends to argue that Congress and the public should look past this week's scheduled status report on Iraq and wait for the fuller assessment due in September. A drawdown, administration officials said, must be the result of the troop increase, not in place of it. "The drawdown is an effect," the official said. "It's not a cause."

Yet key Republican senators have indicated that they would not be satisfied with a change in political spin over a real change in strategy. In a speech on the Senate floor after a White House meeting yesterday, John W. Warner (R-Va.) set the tone, declaring this "a time in our history unlike any I have ever witnessed before." Warner recalled that Congress has voted to require Bush to demonstrate progress in Iraq or detail how he will alter his strategy, adding that he warned the White House to take it seriously.

"I was asked by the press whether I thought they'd brush it off," Warner said of the White House, "and I resoundingly replied, 'No.' "

The current political challenge comes at a time when Bush has been talking increasingly with advisers about what situation he will leave behind in Iraq for his successor. Although he said in 2005 that "I will settle for nothing less than complete victory," Bush has concluded, with just 18 months left in office, that he will have to settle for less.

So the president has mapped out a best-case scenario for Iraq on Jan. 20, 2009, that would still see considerable numbers of U.S. troops on the ground, but in a different role. If events work out as Bush hopes, aides said, U.S. forces by then will have sharply reduced their mission, pulling out of sectarian combat and focusing instead on fighting al-Qaeda, guarding Iraq's borders and supporting Iraqi troops. Instead of operating under a U.N. mandate, the United States would negotiate an agreement with the Iraqi government for a smaller, long-term presence.

Such a reduced mandate would resemble the vision advanced in December by the Iraq Study Group, led by former secretary of state James A. Baker III and former congressman Lee H. Hamilton (D-Ind.). A Pentagon study last year concluded that even the more limited mission would require about 120,000 U.S. troops, compared with about 160,000 today, according to administration officials. But officials said it could be done with 60,000 to 100,000 troops.

Bush hopes the net result would be a situation stable enough that the next president -- even a Democrat with an antiwar platform -- would feel confident enough to sustain some form of U.S. mission despite domestic pressure to pull out altogether. But Bush aides said they are acutely aware that every forecast they have made for Iraq over the past four years has proved wildly optimistic.
For bush and the GOP it's all about massaging the "message". I mean, "Bush's vision for the post surge strategy"? Focus group-tested buzz words, that have no meaning.

Bush is going to tread water in order to leave this mess to dump into the next president's lap. That I can guarantee you is the "strategy"
For bush and the GOP it's all about massaging the "message". I mean, "Bush's vision for the post surge strategy"? Focus group-tested buzz words, that have no meaning.

Bush is going to tread water in order to leave this mess to dump into the next president's lap. That I can guarantee you is the "strategy"

Yeah. I wonder how many people he's going to kill in the meantime, and whether or not he can make our staying there, with reduced troop numbers, and reduced US deaths, palatable enough so that we end up in Iraq pretty much forever. It just makes me sick, because we're killing people, and eventually we're going to get some of it back here, and then I'll have to listen to a bunch of horseshit about how "they" "hate us" for our "freedoms".
Yeah. I wonder how many people he's going to kill in the meantime, and whether or not he can make our staying there, with reduced troop numbers, and reduced US deaths, palatable enough so that we end up in Iraq pretty much forever. It just makes me sick, because we're killing people, and eventually we're going to get some of it back here, and then I'll have to listen to a bunch of horseshit about how "they" "hate us" for our "freedoms".

I know this won't suprise you. But you know why I know that bush isn't serious about "changing" strategy?

Because he's reverted back to outright lying and fabrication. Have you noticed that in the past couple months, Bush has trended towards blaming most or all of the violence on "al qaeda". He knows he's lying. Or, at least his puppet masters are deliberately lying. They know full well that al qaeda is only one small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the sectarian civil war and nationalist insurgency.

By lumping it all under the umbrella "al qaeda", bush obviously want to mislead americans again, and try to tie this to the WOT and 9/11.
I know this won't suprise you. But you know why I know that bush isn't serious about "changing" strategy?

Because he's reverted back to outright lying and fabrication. Have you noticed that in the past couple months, Bush has trended towards blaming most or all of the violence on "al qaeda". He knows he's lying. Or, at least his puppet masters are deliberately lying. They know full well that al qaeda is only one small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the sectarian civil war and nationalist insurgency.

By lumping it all under the umbrella "al qaeda", bush obviously want to mislead americans again, and try to tie this to the WOT and 9/11.

Yep, I have definitely noticed that, and also noticed how they are getting out the same false message on that.
Yep, I have definitely noticed that, and also noticed how they are getting out the same false message on that.

Rove figures, what the heck it has worked before.....
If I was a Republican...Wait I am !!!
Well anyway I am pissed they would think I am that stupid.