iraqi term and other news


Sanctimonious Prick
The iraqi's called the insergents ali baba's. I'm surprised the news media has picked up on this as they love terms and titles for people. I don't see it used in the media tho.

When insergents are reported by the populous they always say the ali baba's are hiding over there or in that building. I think its a very appropreate name for them.

By the way 16 ali baba's were killed or captured in the past 48 hours. One a bomb maker and another a commander. four car and motorcycle bombs were captured and numerous weapons seized. No US or iraqi casualties. All ignored by the media because of the lack of sensationalism.

Jamil Hussien has still not been located, even though AwtP (associated with terrorist press) has used him as a source for the past two years. The iraqi government and the US military both say he is not a police captain and does not exist on there roles. There's a list of 12 others that are questionable used by the AwtP.

The AwtP has changed their sources to unnamed sources reporting events now. The iraqi government and US military have said that only Colonels and above in the iraq police or military are authorized to release information. So if a news source is unnamed, a lieutant or captain or major in a news report, then look at it as questionable. is an embedded blogger with the Marines in falujah. He has some interesting daily reports. Flopping Aces is the one that broke the jamil hussien story.