Irate Bill O'Reilly attacks Obama aide


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Fox's Bill O'Reilly in confrontation with Obama staffer at rally.

NASHUA, N.H.-- Fox News host Bill O'Reilly got into a confrontation with an Obama aide after O'Reilly started screaming at him as he tried to get Barack Obama's attention following a rally here......

The incident was triggered when O'Reilly--with a Fox News crew shooting--was screaming at Obama National Trip Director Marvin Nicholson "Move" so he could get Obama's attention, according to several eyewitnesses. "O'Reilly was yelling at him, yelling at his face," a photographer shooting the scene said.

O'Reilly grabbed Nicholson's arm and shoved him, another eyewitness said. Nicholson, who is 6'8, said O'Reilly called him "low class."

"He grabbed me with both his hands here," Nicholson said, gesturing to his left arm and O'Reilly "started shoving me." Nicholson said, " He was pretty upset. He was yelling at me."

Secret Service agents who were nearby flanked O 'Reilly after he pushed Nicholson. They told O'Reilly he needed to calm down and get behind the fence-like barricade that contained the press.
The guy is starting to totally lose it.

Starting to? His ego overrode his common sense years ago. Jeremy Glick? Did you see it when Phil Donahue kicked his ass? His ego makes him do stupid shit.
Hes going to explode one of these days.

I wish people would bring up the whole loofah/falafel thing more. He wants to be a culture warrior? Well, lets talk about old perverts trying to pork their young associates and continually try to goade them into sex. I wonder on which side of the culture war that would put him.
I wish people would bring up the whole loofah/falafel thing more. He wants to be a culture warrior? Well, lets talk about old perverts trying to pork their young associates and continually try to goade them into sex. I wonder on which side of the culture war that would put him.

"I wish people would bring up the whole loofah/falafel thing more."

Ask Beefy, and ye shall recieve:

A number of people in the crowd were flipping O'Reilly the bird, and yelling "falafel" at him.


The O'Reilly Rumble

Watching reality television at an Obama rally.

When the popular Fox News entertainer arrived at the Obama event in Nashua, people turned to him but not always approvingly. "Hey O'Reilly," yelled a man. When O'Reilly turned he got a single-finger salute. A few people approached Bill to shake his hand but the overwhelming sentiment was unfavorable. "O'Reilly hatemonger," yelled a woman. A few other people gave him the bird. "I hate you Bill," yelled a man. "You can't stop us Bill," yelled another. I thought someone might brain him with one of those Obama "Hope" signs.

A number of people shouted falafel, the word O'Reilly used in a racy set of telephone conversations with a young woman he was trying to seduce as he described a shower they might take together. He meant loofa, which is not a Middle Eastern delicacy but a bath item...
Good for Billo. He tells it like it is. Obama is clearly an anti-american terrorist because he wants to end the war in Iraq. Plus he's black. Bill clearly knows that blacks aren't normal like us white folk. I've got a poster of O'Reilly in my room next to the nazi sign. We will win the war on our traditions!
Better gear up. Every show next week will begin with how Obama has now joined the "dangerous far-left", and is on the payroll of Soros, and has to be stopped for the good of traditional America....
You can expect for Obama to plummet in the votes for treating O'Reilly like this. The american people don't take to kindly to far left radicals who hate America. Just like CNN, Obama Bin Laden has turned to the darkside.
He an ovious troll go read his profile statement

I'm saying he's not another poster. His IP is unique, and his sig mocks evangelical christians. So does socrtease's sig. That doesn't mean it is not a unique user.