IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Michelle Obama IS A MAN 24 7

Hill Bill


Michelle is a tranny, Obama is a faggot and his kids were adopted. Obama is a Muslim, a traitor and a terrorist. His sole goal while president has been to destroy America, and he is almost done. He has destroyed our Military, he has destroyed our Healthcare and he has destroyed our Economy.

Michelle is a tranny, Obama is a faggot and his kids were adopted. Obama is a Muslim, a traitor and a terrorist. His sole goal while president has been to destroy America, and he is almost done. He has destroyed our Military, he has destroyed our Healthcare and he has destroyed our Economy.

Now that you have firmly established yourself as a racist, retard, crackpot and buffoon, you need not post here any further.
Even our most right wing hard core will never take you seriously.
Thanks for the laugh though.
Now that you have firmly established yourself as a racist, retard, crackpot and buffoon, you need not post here any further.
Even our most right wing hard core will never take you seriously.
Thanks for the laugh though.

Our self appointed, self important racism watchcat has spoken, thanks Leon but I think we can all see through this troll. It is probably Trollop anyway.
Of course she's not a man.....but somewhere in her past rests the same dna signature as Patrick Ewing. Think about it, if Ewing would have went drag in his youth you'd have "Moochelle". Look at her feet....I see a "Nike" endorsement after she cleans out the white house.

If you want to see a beautiful black women simply look at Condie Rice. It takes more than physical attributes to project beauty....its all about the way one carries themselves. Moochelle walks around like she has a stick up her kister. You could take Mooch and Hooch (Clinton) together and not make one pimple on....yoda...yoda....yoda....
err....yada, yada, yada.....:)

Some can simply see the pretension, condescension and duplicity eeking from their Hillary, Mooch is one such superficial female, who assumes that money can cover up the hate that rests inside... they had better do a silver ware audit in the white house come Jan. 2017, this female thinks WHITE AMERICA still owes her slavery reparations. But she has had a ball using Air Force One as her personal limo service while touring the world on the Tax Payer dime. Her best claim to fame was her grade school lunch program, "No Child's Behind Left Alone"....when she advised a "hog lot" diet of mostly veggies to our fat little tikes while her and barry STEAKED IT UP about every nite raising campaign funds, of course with the secret service acting as their roadies....this couple have been in one long Campaign Mode for the past decade...never once having ceased pushing the collection plate around the room.

The past 8 years has been like watching one long "looney tune" cartoon....but does He or She really expect American's to purchase the horse shit they have been peddling over the past 2 terms? They have spent more time on the "VIEW", the DAILY SHOW and the LATE NIGHT TV circuit than they have in the white house.

But you have to give them their "dues".....they are actually pretty good "community organizers".....they have set a record for signing more people up for federal aid (welfare) than all the previous Potus' combined.
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If more men were as good-looking and bright as Mrs Obama I should begin to see the attractions of homosexuality, fair play!