APP - Is Antifa really good as some claim II


The growth of right wing fascism worldwide is an interesting phenomenon. It usually lurks in the background of nationalists and supremacists of all stripes, but globalism and immigration have helped it raise its ugly head. 'On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century' by Timothy Snyder is an excellent counterpoint. Read it. The Antifa video below explains the whys of fighting right wing fascism. The authoritarian aspect of fascism is also covered below.

A Look at the Antifascist Movement Confronting White Supremacists

"The simple picture Trump is trying to convey is that there is wild disorder, because of American citizens of African-American descent, and immigrants. He is doing it as a display of strength, showing he is able to define reality and lead others to accept his authoritarian value system.

The chief authoritarian values are law and order. In Trump’s value system, nonwhites and non-Christians are the chief threats to law and order. Trump knows that reality does not call for a value-system like his; violent crime is at almost historic lows in the United States. Trump is thundering about a crime wave of historic proportions, because he is an authoritarian using his speech to define a simple reality that legitimates his value system, leading voters to adopt it. Its strength is that it conveys his power to define reality. Its weakness is that it obviously contradicts it." Jason Stanley