Is anyone on Earth not an immigrant?

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
"From a scientific point of view, maybe the only people that you could consider not to be immigrants would be some Khoe-San-speaking groups in southern Africa," said Austin Reynolds, an assistant professor of anthropology at Baylor University in Texas who specializes in human population genetics.

The designation Khoe-San (pronounced coy-sawn) refers to certain African communities in the areas of Botswana, Namibia, Angola and South Africa who speak similar languages with distinctive clicking consonants, Reynolds told Live Science.

"People have always been on the move," Stoneking said. His recent genetic research on populations across Asia has shown that there's a touch of just about everyone in everyone else. "All human populations have been in contact with others," including the Khoe-San, he said, denoted by evidence in their genes, their cultures and their languages.

Early humans moved extensively around Africa for more than 100,000 years before leaving, at which point they probably moved out of eastern Africa into the Middle East
does moving from Iowa to Michigan by way of Indiana make me an immigrant?........and what if, by ironic coincidence, I end up in the same small Michigan town that my great grandfather left in 1867......
"From a scientific point of view, maybe the only people that you could consider not to be immigrants would be some Khoe-San-speaking groups in southern Africa," said Austin Reynolds, an assistant professor of anthropology at Baylor University in Texas who specializes in human population genetics.

The designation Khoe-San (pronounced coy-sawn) refers to certain African communities in the areas of Botswana, Namibia, Angola and South Africa who speak similar languages with distinctive clicking consonants, Reynolds told Live Science.

"People have always been on the move," Stoneking said. His recent genetic research on populations across Asia has shown that there's a touch of just about everyone in everyone else. "All human populations have been in contact with others," including the Khoe-San, he said, denoted by evidence in their genes, their cultures and their languages.

Early humans moved extensively around Africa for more than 100,000 years before leaving, at which point they probably moved out of eastern Africa into the Middle East

bio-logical results are without a missing link where as intellectual logic intentionally creates doubts life is kinetically limited to mutually evolving by the numbers present so far. Real time vs relative timing of ancestral position so far. Doesn't pay to stay in other people's scripted characters as your personal time since conceived after birth to grave is endowed to serve "we the people demand" no individual is allowed to discuss natural process of genetic progression in plain sight honestly orface insubordination, treason, blasphemy from their own type cast people.

Catch 22.
Moreover, we are all related. Racial and ethnic differences are an artificial human construct. Recent paleoanthropologic studies suggest there was a population collapse about 70,000 years ago, and less than 1,000 humans remained. Some studies suggest less than 100 breeding pairs were left. That is where everyone on the planet today comes from. Genetic studies demonstrate that modern homo sapiens have less genetic diversity than onion plants do.