Is bigger really better ?


Villified User
No sexuall inuendo please.

Which banks are having trouble, the littler local ones or the mega banks?
Which businesses are whining for a bailout ? The big ones or the little ones ?
Which homeowners are having trouble ? The McMansion owners or the 3 BR ranch on 1/4 acre ?

Which vehicles are selling better ? Big trucks and such or smaller more efficient cars ?

Which homes are selling better the 3br ranches or the McMansions ?

Which food is selling better Ground beef or Tbone steaks ?

Which pot is selling better Moui wowie or KY bluegrass ? Mouie wowie of course for quality.
No sexuall inuendo please.

Which banks are having trouble, the littler local ones or the mega banks?
Which businesses are whining for a bailout ? The big ones or the little ones ?
Which homeowners are having trouble ? The McMansion owners or the 3 BR ranch on 1/4 acre ?

Which vehicles are selling better ? Big trucks and such or smaller more efficient cars ?

Which homes are selling better the 3br ranches or the McMansions ?

Which food is selling better Ground beef or Tbone steaks ?

Which pot is selling better Moui wowie or KY bluegrass ? Mouie wowie of course for quality.

I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep, I guess this is just what time I get up now. Kinda ironic as, unless i have an early client or networking meeting, I don't set my alarm and can sleep as late as I want. I guess that's life - once you can have sleep, you no longer want it. Same as anything else.

Anyway, I turned on the tv for a few minutes thinking I might doze back off to some mindless crap, and what do you think is on? Four bimbos in nighties all giggling to some guy who is "interviewing" them about how much they like big, you know whats! It's for some product called "extenze". I was cracking up. I wonder how many poor bastards watch this, feel terribly inferior, and order it. What crap. I guess it's nothing compared to what society does to women, and what advertising brainwashes them into believing they have to buy in order to be real girls, but it was way beyond tacky.
I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep, I guess this is just what time I get up now. Kinda ironic as, unless i have an early client or networking meeting, I don't set my alarm and can sleep as late as I want. I guess that's life - once you can have sleep, you no longer want it. Same as anything else.

Anyway, I turned on the tv for a few minutes thinking I might doze back off to some mindless crap, and what do you think is on? Four bimbos in nighties all giggling to some guy who is "interviewing" them about how much they like big, you know whats! It's for some product called "extenze". I was cracking up. I wonder how many poor bastards watch this, feel terribly inferior, and order it. What crap. I guess it's nothing compared to what society does to women, and what advertising brainwashes them into believing they have to buy in order to be real girls, but it was way beyond tacky.

I think you're dead right, Darla.

I am sick and tired of these charlatans hawking oils, lotions, potions and strange vacuum-type devices, that look pretty painful to this cove's eye, promising to extend one's...ahem...lovelength. I think all responsible men should commit the number of this company to memory, in order that one never accidentally calls them mistakenly.

However, in order to ensure such a situation does not arise i think you should remind us of this number, which we should never ever call.

Hurry up this is most urgent.
I think you're dead right, Darla.

I am sick and tired of these charlatans hawking oils, lotions, potions and strange vacuum-type devices, that look pretty painful to this cove's eye, promising to extend one's...ahem...lovelength. I think all responsible men should commit the number of this company to memory, in order that one never accidentally calls them mistakenly.

However, in order to ensure such a situation does not arise i think you should remind us of this number, which we should never ever call.

Hurry up this is most urgent.


I didn't write it down, sorry!
The great insecurity of many men. Despite the fact that research says its not that big a deal. Despite the fact that there is very little to be done about it. Men will still hand over their hardearned cash.

Its amazing.
Quick footnote, the founder of the company that sells this stuff was sentenced to 25 years in prison for fraud.
LOL really? Gee, what a shock.


Well, while this may be fraud, the mindset that has men sending money to him is hardly unique to guys.

How many women have spent money on implants or pushup bras to enhance their feminine endowment? Granted, its more visible, but it seems to be the same insecurity.

Well, while this may be fraud, the mindset that has men sending money to him is hardly unique to guys.

How many women have spent money on implants or pushup bras to enhance their feminine endowment? Granted, its more visible, but it seems to be the same insecurity.

The great insecurity of many men. Despite the fact that research says its not that big a deal. Despite the fact that there is very little to be done about it. Men will still hand over their hardearned cash.

Its amazing.


I've no worries on that score, ladies, it's like a baby's arm. ;)
I knew no one could pass that title up :)

In my state the small banks seem pretty sound, unlike the big banks.

And BTW I have not seen Bob (the idiototic grinning one) for a while on TV. This is a good thing.
This is the one good thing about this whole mess.

People are going to stop being so materialistic for a little while.

Darla , I used to think I was a night person until I could sleep whenever I wanted. I soon realized that I was a big time morning person. I love to get up before its light, the world is so peaceful and quiet. It gives you a great time to think and reflect on yesterday and plan the current day.
This is the one good thing about this whole mess.

People are going to stop being so materialistic for a little while.

Darla , I used to think I was a night person until I could sleep whenever I wanted. I soon realized that I was a big time morning person. I love to get up before its light, the world is so peaceful and quiet. It gives you a great time to think and reflect on yesterday and plan the current day.

People will be less materialistic because they cannot afford to be materialistic.

But I am willing to be plenty of men still spend money on making their penis bigger, and plenty of women spend money making their breasts larger or making them look larger.

I am a morning person as well. On weekends I am up a couple of hours before my wife & daughter. I love that quiet time. Most of the time I take a cup of coffee outside and enjoy the views of the nat'l forest and the noises of the countryside. Best time of the day.
I think you're dead right, Darla.

I am sick and tired of these charlatans hawking oils, lotions, potions and strange vacuum-type devices, that look pretty painful to this cove's eye, promising to extend one's...ahem...lovelength.

It looks just like a Telefunken U-47!
This is the one good thing about this whole mess.

People are going to stop being so materialistic for a little while.

Darla , I used to think I was a night person until I could sleep whenever I wanted. I soon realized that I was a big time morning person. I love to get up before its light, the world is so peaceful and quiet. It gives you a great time to think and reflect on yesterday and plan the current day.

Yeah I think that's what's happening to me. I always have tended to be a morning person, but now I'm waking up pre-dawn. But it's weird, I love the quiet, and I get sooo much writing done. I sometimes do all of my work by 8am. And then rest of the day I will be networking, or just reading. Today I had more work to do, so it depends. But there is nothing like those very early hours, you feel as if you are up before the world.
Yeah, the Extenze commercials have been in the public eye for a little while ever since they made that commercial with the Santa dude. Apparently tacky is their MO.

Speaking of women's insecurity, has anyone seen Burn After Reading? Francis McDormand was such a bitch in that!