APP - Is Briffa the whistleblower?



From: Ed Cook <>
To: Keith Briffa <>
Subject: Re: Esper et al. and Mike Mann
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 13:20:40 -0400

Hi Keith,

Of course, I agree with you. We both know the probable flaws in
Mike’s recon, particularly as it relates to the tropical stuff. Your
response is also why I chose not to read the published version of his
letter. It would be too aggravating. The only way to deal with this
whole issue is to show in a detailed study that his estimates are
clearly deficient in multi-centennial power, something that you
actually did in your Perspectives piece, even if it was not clearly
stated because of editorial cuts. It is puzzling to me that a guy as
bright as Mike would be so unwilling to evaluate his own work a bit
more objectively.


>I have just read this lettter – and I think it is crap. I am sick to
>death of Mann stating his reconstruction represents the tropical
>area just because it contains a few (poorly temperature
>representative ) tropical series. He is just as capable of
>regressing these data again any other “target” series , such as the
>increasing trend of self-opinionated verbage he has produced over
>the last few years , and … (better say no more)

I know Mike thinks his series is the ‘best’ and he might be right – but he may also be too dismissive of other data and possibly over confident in his (or should I say his use of other’s). After all, the early ( pre-instrumental) data are much less reliable as indicators of global temperature than is apparent in modern calibrations that include them and when we don’t know the precise role of particular proxies in the earlier portions of reconstruction it remains problematic to assign genuine confidence limits at multidecadal and longer timescales. I still contend that multiple regression against the recent very trendy global mean series is potentially dangerous. You could calibrate the proxies to any number of seasons , regardless of their true optimum response . Not for a moment am I saying that the tree-ring , or any other proxy data, are better than Mike’s series – indeed I am saying that the various reconstructions are not independent but that they likely contribute more information about reality together than they do alone. I do believe , that it should not be taken as read that Mike’s series (or Jone’s et al. for that matter) is THE CORRECT ONE.
If he is, he is definitely a hero. The deep throat of the early 2Ks...

I agree. I feel sorry for him. He tried to do science, but as anyone would have done in his position, he complied with his superiors and gave them what they wanted. He feared for his job, I'm sure. As has been revealed, the climate masters ruled the system. You had better come down on their side of the story if you expect to remain employed.

I have already forgiven Briffa for his role. I understand his position and the way he was forced to distort his study. And really, I don't believe he had any real opportunity to disclose the fraud before now. The momentum was too great. I hope he's able to move on after the mess is cleaned up, but it's more likely he'll end up keeping quiet and suffering the shame along with this group of shysters.
I agree. I feel sorry for him. He tried to do science, but as anyone would have done in his position, he complied with his superiors and gave them what they wanted. He feared for his job, I'm sure. As has been revealed, the climate masters ruled the system. You had better come down on their side of the story if you expect to remain employed.

I have already forgiven Briffa for his role. I understand his position and the way he was forced to distort his study. And really, I don't believe he had any real opportunity to disclose the fraud before now. The momentum was too great. I hope he's able to move on after the mess is cleaned up, but it's more likely he'll end up keeping quiet and suffering the shame along with this group of shysters.
But the book will sell like hotcakes and his family will be rich after his death. Just like Deep Throat.
I just had to quote a post I just read at WUWT

"garbage in –> garbage code –> garbaged (squared) out …

G2O the new greenhouse gas …"

Think you'll ever get enough to convince T (ight) C (heeks) Liberal...?

Seems once a warmer, always a!!!
He doesn't need to be convinced. I care about him as much as I care about people dancing with snakes. He can believe whatever he wants until it affects my life.
Notes to Self:

1) Never open a thread on climate change from a wingnut, and expect to see anything other than links to partisan, rightwing blogs.

2) Never expect to see a link to any reputable, recognized scientific body with expertise in climate science.

3) Never be surprised to see Damo cheering on the most extremist, fringe elements of the teabaggers, birthers, and flat-earth climate deniers.
Notes to Self:

1) Never open a thread on climate change from a wingnut, and expect to see anything other than links to partisan, rightwing blogs.

2) Never expect to see a link to any reputable, recognized scientific body with expertise in climate science.

3) Never be surprised to see Damo cheering on the most extremist, fringe elements of the teabaggers, birthers, and flat-earth climate deniers.
I like cheering on the fringes. I do it for lefties too. You'll never hear me complain about the ACLU, I may point out what they are doing but I'm not complaining. Almost all positive change starts in the fringe, including recognizing fabricated information.

The attempt to get people to believe that cheering on the fringes means something more than just that is where you utterly fail.
He needs to spend the rest of his life in prison. He is a criminal, one who has not "whistleblown" but simply taken perfectly innocent comments out of context to create that perception. He is a fraudster, a traitor to the human race, the lowest amongst us.
He needs to spend the rest of his life in prison. He is a criminal, one who has not "whistleblown" but simply taken perfectly innocent comments out of context to create that perception. He is a fraudster, a traitor to the human race, the lowest amongst us.


They were HIS records, if indeed, Dr. Briffa is our whistleblower, which is pure speculation. We'll never know who did it, I suspect. The washing of the incident is well under way.

Many links to data are missing at this point. Some say it's the investigation and that seems likely, so we'll wait and see.

I don't expect to ever know the identity of the source of the files

This thread is pure speculation and it was presented as such.

Crypiss needs to learn how to read.
He doesn't need to be convinced. I care about him as much as I care about people dancing with snakes. He can believe whatever he wants until it affects my life.

He votes, you turkey....everyone that does affects your life....
Notes to Self:

1) Never open a thread on climate change from a wingnut, and expect to see anything other than links to partisan, rightwing blogs.

2) Never expect to see a link to any reputable, recognized scientific body with expertise in climate science.

3) Never be surprised to see Damo cheering on the most extremist, fringe elements of the teabaggers, birthers, and flat-earth climate deniers.

Note to All:

He votes, you turkey....everyone that does affects your life....

his votes for the morons who will impact my life have already taken place so what he thinks now means little to me. I'm only concerned about the historical record documenting the errors and corruption before the memory hole does its thing. Millions of people are aware of this. The effort it took to build awareness about and support for AGW will be undone in short order once the layman is made to understand the method of deception. The shrill warmers like crypiss clearly lack the ability to discuss the science let alone the errors, faulty methods, and deceptive practices.

Crypiss does not understand the foundation of the science he supports so he's unable to dissect the statistics, interpret the meaning of error margins, and grasp the scientific implications of splicing a tree ring proxy series with real temperature data.

Ask him to comment on the error margins bewteen the two data sets.