HOUSE OF LORDS, never elected, parliament for life...... ??
HOUSE OF LORDS, never elected, parliament for life...... ??
How can it be a real democracy if they don't have the Electoral College?
the u.s. senate was actually conceived as a body to represent the state governments. kinda similar.
HOUSE OF LORDS, never elected, parliament for life...... ??
How can it be a real democracy if they don't have the Electoral College?
They serve kinda the same purpose.. The Lords are there to look out for the Lords interest (not carrying that the peons didn't vote for them) & the Electoral is to insure against MOB RULE, aka the will of the majority...
Kinda odd that you can call the will of 63,000,000 Americans a mob, but it works for some folks rationalizations..
Constitutional monarchy, which is certainly a type of representative democracy.
The only people I am aware of that detest democracy are Vladimir Putin, Latin American dictators, and American conservatives.
Great Britain must be a real Democracy or a non fascist State at apparently giving May the boot and for the most part giving tRump, his criminal family and lawless and treasonous free loading cronies the greeting they deserve as in "we despise a Russian puppet, we despise traitors, we despise a hypocrite, we despise a demagogue and we despise his fellow criminals against humanity".